Hi Friend,

It wasn’t THAT long ago that women’s sports were established… and women were given a real chance to play, compete, and win on a level playing field and in a league of their own. 
As one subscriber wrote: “I graduated from high school way back in the Sixties. The boys had team football, soccer, basketball and tennis. We girls had PE. There were no team sports that everyone came to watch. We played volleyball and field hockey during PE. Period... Everyone came to see the boys playing team sports but no one came to watch girls’ sports…. We are living in The Upside Down. Whatever truths there were in the Sixties have been turned on their head. I’m glad I’m in the last quarter but I fear for my children and grandchildren.”
Now, this “progress” and these opportunities are at risk of being taken away by two bills coming before Congress next week: the misleading Equality Act and misnamed Equal Rights Amendment.

Friend, it’s urgent that you speak up to save women’s sports by signing our Fair Play petition today.
Another subscriber wrote, “When I was young, girls' sports we're not available. Since my time, girls sports have made leaps and bounds, affording girls and women opportunities unlike were available in my day. To put males in their sports is cruel, and sexist. Women have worked so hard to earn a place in sports, this policy will destroy all that hard work. It's unfair and takes away equality; it crushes girls’ and women's sports in the most egregious way. Please do not pass this absurd and crushing bill if you care anything about your daughters, sisters, mothers, aunts, etc. It's cheating and wrong.”
By signing the Fair Play petition, you are speaking up for the right for women to play and compete fairly… and to save women’s sports and opportunities from these damaging policy proposals.
Another subscriber wrote: “We want fair competitions; and that is what we come to see, otherwise there is no competition, no fun, no curiosity or interest, and therefore, there is nothing to see, wonder about, dream about and nothing future generations can aspire towards, because we already know the outcome; it becomes a dead sport.”
Sign the Fair Play petition to save women’s sports.


Victoria Coley