EBYD's Executive Board recently met to discuss the three pressing items below. We voted to tentatively endorse all three using the expedited process outlined in our bylaws that allows the board to do so "provided said position is consistent with this organization’s platform."
- Berkeley Council Member Terry Taplin's "Affordable Housing Overlay". Berkeley is considering a zoning overlay that would provide height and density bonuses for projects that provide affordable housing. The resolution also transfers authority to allow for ministerial approval of affordable housing projects.
- San Leandro for Accountability, Transparency, and Equity's (SLATE) "Community Proposal for Effective Police Oversight in San Leandro". San Leandro City Council is considering the creation of a civilian police oversight mechanism. SLATE’s community-generated proposal for the minimum requirements for effective oversight includes the power to subpoena records and oversee independent investigations, recommend policy, and recommend hiring, firing, and disciplinary decisions.
- "Policies that end exclusionary zoning by allowing missing middle housing by right of up to 4 units per lot". Berkeley, Oakland, and several other cities across the Bay Area are considering measures to end exclusionary zoning by legalizing multifamily housing in areas previously zoned for single-family homes. There is a growing trend to do so by allowing fourplexes in these neighborhoods.
Members have seven days as of this notice to object to an endorsement under this process, therefore pushing the contested item(s) to the next available general membership meeting.
For more information regarding EBYD's bylaws and platform, you can visit and click on the links at the bottom of the page. If you have any questions, please contact Policy Director Ruben Hernandez Story at [email protected].
All the best,
Bret Hendry
Communications Director
East Bay Young Democrats