MARCH 2021

Hot Off the Press! The New Deal Map & Guide to Washington DC

  Two years in the works, the LND's Map & Guide to the Art and Architecture of the New Deal in Washington DC. is now available. It features 500 New Deal sites in and around the District, dozens of descriptions and photos of notable sites and a walking tour of New Deal art and architecture around the National Mall. The colorful 18 x 24-inch map folds to pocket size.
  The map reveals how the New Deal transformed the nation’s capital. "It’s like finding a lost civilization that had been buried and forgotten," notes Gray Brechin, founder of the Living New Deal.
  “We want to show residents, officials and millions of visitors to the city that the New Deal worked and continues to deliver today,” says Richard Walker, the Living New Deal’s Executive Director. The New Deal’s legacy includes the Federal Triangle, Capital Parks and other buildings and public artworks that make Washington a monumental city.
  We are planning events (virtual and actual) to launch the map and call attention the New Deal’s role modernizing and beautifying the nation’s capital. The map is for sale for $5 on our website, where you’ll find a press release, images and more information. Please tell your friends, family and colleagues. Please add your rating on the Apple App Store.

Help Us Map the New Deal with our Mobile App

  Mapping the legacy of the New Deal just took a leap forward with the release of the Living New Deal app for iPhones—free from the Apple App Store.
  The Living New Deal developed the first-ever online catalog of what the New Deal left to America. Our online map reveals thousands of New Deal public works in all 50 states. With the help of volunteers, we’ve crowdsourced 16,500 New Deal sites so far. We believe that’s just the tip of the iceberg!
   With the app, New Deal sleuths can take photographs and videos of their New Deal discoveries, add text or audio and forward their findings direct to us. The app automatically captures the GPS location. Once verified, we add the site or artwork to our ever-expanding database.
   The app enables users to switch back-and-forth between the app and the Living New Deal map to find other sites nearby (remember to bookmark our web address,, on your phone's search engine).
   The app is the work of volunteer Kevin Friedly of Indianapolis and our webmaster Lisa Thompson. Our immense thanks to them both. An app for Android phones is our next target.

Living New Deal Webinar:
Saving the Republic: The New Deal and Far-Right Extremism
with Kevin Baker

  Please join us on Zoom for Kevin Baker’s talk, Saving the Republic: The New Deal and Far-Right Extremism, about the rise of the far-right during the 1930s to counter the New Deal and its social liberalism.
  Baker, an award-winning author, is a contributing editor to Harper's and a regular contributor to Politico, The New York Times and The New Republic.
  Baker offers this preview: "Picture an America in which an angry crowd of veterans surround the Capitol and are dispersed with tear gas and gunfire; a disgruntled Marine general is approached about leading a coup to overturn an election; right-wing fanatics hoard weapons and set up paramilitary camps around the country… We’re not talking about America today but America in the 1930s.”
  The webinar is part of our series The Next New Deal, featuring writers, speakers and thinkers on the New Deal and its lessons for today. Thursday, March 24, 2021, 7pm EDT. Click here to register.



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The Living New Deal
PO Box 2148
Berkeley, CA 94702

Susan Ives, Editor
Sheera Bleckman, Production

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