Hi Friend,  
The big day is finally here: IWF launches the new Independent Women’s Law Center today.

This is your opportunity to leave a lasting mark on our legal system.

Friend,  can I count on you to be a founding investor in our new legal center before midnight tonight?

With YOUR help, we can file additional legal briefs to advocate for equal opportunity, individual liberty, and freedom of association.

With YOUR help, we can continue to educate the public about our constitutional system and rule-of-law principles that give ALL women a voice. 

With YOUR help, we can fight back against the Left’s attempts to convince the public that originalist judges are a threat to women’s rights. 

There is so much we can do to preserve our constitutional system and to fight for what is fair, right, and just—but it will take all of us working together.

Join us in celebrating the launch of our new legal center.

Be an early investor in Independent Women’s Law Center by contributing to our launch campaign before 11:59 p.m. tonight.

Thank you,

Carrie Lukas