This week, Democrats delivered on our initial set of promises with the American Rescue Plan.

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Friends -

This week, Democrats delivered on our initial set of promises with the American Rescue Plan. President Biden has signed our bill — a life raft for millions of families, small business owners, and essential workers.

This bill will deliver desperately needed relief to Americans, who will start seeing the impacts almost immediately.

We’ve extended unemployment insurance, which was set to expire this weekend. The IRS is already working on distributing $1400 direct cash payments. The bill also includes rental assistance and funding for utilities for low-income families.

With funding for cities and states, the bill will quickly get more shots in arms, help balance local budgets, and help get schools to reopen safely. It provides funding for small businesses, including bars and restaurants, that have been hit hardest by the pandemic.

We also nearly doubled the child tax credit and made it fully refundable — increasing the impact and reach. Previously, our poorest citizens could not take full advantage of this credit because they didn’t make enough to owe taxes. This provision alone will cut child poverty in half.

This legislation gets us a giant step closer to defeating this virus and getting back to our lives as we know it. Family, friends, hugs and laughter — together, in community — are on the horizon.

The $1.9 trillion package is a win for the American people. It is full of popular, necessary ideas that will save lives and help us begin to rebuild our economy.

And let’s be clear: Democrats delivered this relief. Not a single Republican, in either the House or the Senate, voted for this bill. They turned their backs and refused to support the people because they believe it will win them political points.

I do not understand why anyone would run for office just to block government from supporting our nation’s people during their greatest hour of need.

While they do whatever they can to obstruct our agenda, I am going to continue fighting for progressive ideas. This is only the start.

We need to start recurring payments, raise the minimum wage to $15, and stimulate our economy and save the planet with a massive green infrastructure plan. When Republicans try to stop that too? We will end the filibuster.

We must not let negotiations with people who simply do not believe in governance delay progress for the people of this nation. I’m optimistic that my more reluctant Democratic colleagues are starting to recognize this truth.

Thank you for keeping the pressure on all of us in Washington to act boldly and deliver on progressive legislation for the people.

- Ed Markey

Ed is relentlessly focused on delivering justice and equity for the American people. That means grassroots donations to sustain our work are more important than ever. So if you are able to, will you please make a $3 donation today to make sure Ed can focus on the important work at hand without worrying about our fundraising?



Paid for by The Markey Committee

The Markey Committee
PO Box 120029
Boston, MA 02112

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