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The question is very simple John
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The question is very simple John: do you think Democrats should get away with bailing out BLUE states?

If NOT, we need your help. We are days away from our mid-month deadline and we are way behind. We didn’t think it was possible for Democrats to move their agenda even further left, but they did it!

Now it’s up to us to put a STOP to their radical agenda.
We have all seen the disastrous effects Democrats have caused in their states.

Look at Governor Newsom in California! He has single handedly destroyed their once booming economy. Or Governor Cuomo in New York! New York’s streets are empty and people are fleeing because of Cuomo’s disastrous leadership. It seems everywhere Democrats go the economy is destroyed and Americans suffer. 

That’s why we need to fight back. We have a chance to FLIP Blue states as early as this year! We can’t miss this chance. Help us meet our goal and get one step closer to restoring conservative principles in our country.
Thank you for your help,


Paid for by the Republican Governors Association. Contributions to the Republican Governors Association are not deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes.

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