Wow, what a week.



All of your hard work and support have paid off: This week, the U.S. House passed bipartisan legislation to strengthen and expand Brady Background Checks to all gun sales. This is a major accomplishment, and it means that Congress is reflecting the will of the people.

Americans are demanding change to our nation's gun laws. In November, we went to the polls in droves to vote out NRA-backed politicians and elect gun safety majorities to the House, Senate, and White House. This week, our elected officials in the House did their job to represent us. Now, we take our fight to the Senate.

We’ve seen that when constituents like you speak out, Congress listens! Will you help us build bipartisan support by urging your senators to support legislation to strengthen and expand Brady Background Checks?


Thank you for taking action alongside Brady. As you know, polls repeatedly show that upwards of 90% of Americans want stronger gun laws, including universal background checks. We can't let this lifesaving legislation fail. We need our senators to hear from us! 

Remembering Nancy Dunning and Why the Fight for Gun Reform is Personal

Gun violence prevention isn't about politics; it's about saving lives. That fact is especially clear for survivors and victims of gun violence like Liz Dunning, Brady's vice president of development. Liz's mom, Nancy, should have celebrated her 74th birthday this week. But Nancy was senselessly shot and killed in 2003.

Watch video of Liz explaining what this week's victory in the U.S. House meant to her, as a gun violence survivor.


Brady Helps Advance Safe Gun Storage Bill in Colorado

Gun sales are continuing to hit record levels, and an influx of new gun owners means that ensuring safe gun storage is more important than ever. That's why we are elated that the Colorado House of Representatives advanced lifesaving legislation this week to require guns to be stored safely and securely. Safe storage laws are proven to prevent family fire, including by protecting children from gun suicide and unintentional shootings. 

"Colorado is facing a unique gun violence crisis, boasting the highest rate of youth gun suicides in the entire country. We need proven, evidence-based policies that will help to prevent this kind of gun violence."

Testimony submitted by Brady Vice President of Organizing Maisha Fields, a Coloradan and survivor of gun violence

This wasn't the only win in Colorado this week. The Colorado Senate also advanced vital legislation to require gun owners to report lost or stolen guns to police. This is a common-sense solution to prevent deadly crimes, including gun trafficking. 



Team ENOUGH and Brady Demand Justice for Breonna Taylor

One year ago today, police officers senselessly shot and killed Breonna Taylor in her apartment in Louisville, KY. She was a young Black woman with her entire life ahead of her. Despite Breonna Taylor’s murder receiving national press coverage and her name becoming known worldwide, we still don’t have justice. Read Team ENOUGH's powerful blog by Aalayah Eastmond.



RSVP NOW: Medical Experts Discuss Research on Gun Violence


Gun violence is a public health crisis, claiming the lives of nearly 40,000 Americans each year. Join us as we convene experts from the medical community to discuss the role that research plays to inform a public health approach to gun violence. Moderated Dr. Joe Sakran, the director of Emergency General Surgery at Johns Hopkins, and co-hosted with This is Our Lane, panelists include:


🎧 Episode 120: Fighting for Expanded Brady Background Checks

We talk with activist Colin Goddard, who survived the Virginia Tech gun massacre, about how the background check legislation passed by the U.S. House this week would work to save lives.


🎧 Episode 119: The Importance of Art in the Fight for Gun Violence Prevention

As gun violence has risen across the country, so has art dedicated to ending it. We talk with Farooq Al- Said of 1HOOD and Jason Sole of the Humanize My Hoodie Movement about the intersection of art and activism. 


House Passes Two Gun Bills to Broaden Background Checks, Rolling Stone

Joe Manchin Wants to Pass a Popular Gun Control Bill That Will Save Lives, but He Loves the Filibuster More, The New Republic

California attorney general cuts off researchers’ access to gun violence data, The Guardian

Gun Control Groups Pin Hopes On Biden, Democratic Majority, National Journal

Brady Celebrates the Passage of H.R. 8 and H.R. 1446 in the U.S. House of Representatives, Brady

We thank the gun safety champions in the U.S. House of Representatives for passing landmark legislation to strengthen and expand Brady Background Checks.

"These two bipartisan bills — #HR8 and #HR1446 — will truly save lives by closing gaps in background checks. 

We thank @RepThompson, @ChrisMurphyCT, and @WhipClyburn for spearheading this lifesaving legislation to reduce our country's gun violence epidemic."


"Since the moment I had to use my classmate’s lifeless body to protect myself from being shot at my high school, I have been putting my own body on the line to fight against the gun violence that is predominantly killing Black and Brown young people.

Today, one year after Breonna Taylor was murdered by police, I am asking you to fight with me and take action against racist gun violence perpetrated by police. I am asking you to fight as hard as I do for Black lives."

Team ENOUGH's Aalayah Eastmond

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Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence
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