We can't let the establishment derail progressive power.

When progressives won control of the Nevada Dem Party, the old guard transferred $450,000 so the party would be broke.

We can't let establishment Dems derail progressive power. Donate to the NV Dem Party here -- now in progressive hands.

Turn on images to see the progressive slate that just won Nevada.

Earlier this week, a slate of progressives with ties to Bernie Sanders won a landslide election to win all 5 executive positions in the Nevada Democratic Party.

The old guard was furious. The entire establishment staff resigned rather than work with progressives.

The Intercept reports on the most despicable part: "The establishment...moved $450,000 out of the party’s coffers," sending money to a national committee so progressives would be broke.

We can't let the establishment derail progressive power. Can you donate $27 today to the Nevada Democratic Party -- now in progressive hands. They have a LOT of work to do!

Nevada is a swing state. Biden only won with 50.1%, we have a key U.S. Senate race to defend, and many great progressives (who we trained) are running down ballot.

Thanks for being a bold progressive -- and for helping NV progressives lead!

-- The PCCC Team (@BoldProgressive)













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