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The Unz Review Digest - March 12, 2021

Ranking first after just a single day and still running very strong was Mike Whitney’s lengthy and provocative analysis of the intriguing recent Covid-19 results from Israel, leading the way for the near-total vaccination of a country’s population, but strangely also beginning to suffer an increasingly serious wave of infections and deaths.  The author argues that this evidence suggests that the widespread use of the vaccine may have strongly negative consequences, even possibly leading to appearance of more lethal forms of the disease, suggestions that were hotly debated in the comment-threads.

Holding second place was Fred Reed’s focus on America’s new Cold War with China, a contest he thinks may end disastrously for our own increasingly corrupt and incompetent government, with our society easily and increasingly over-matched on the crucial indices of economic and technological development, partly dragged down by our growing emphasis on ideology and politics over practical success.  These matters were sharply debated in the more than 400 comments, totaling over 35,000 words.

Just slightly behind was Anatoly Karlin’s related analysis of our military effectiveness, also being quickly dragged down by a focus on political correctness and diversity politics, trends that are damaging in a peace-time army but can become totally disastrous after an outbreak of war, with these issues explored in more than 300 comments totaling over 30,000 words.

Our fourth most popular article was Philip Giraldi’s recapitulation of the current state of the residual Jeffrey Epstein case, lately ignored by the mainstream media but with his close associate Ghislaine Maxwell scheduled to stand trial.  The strong likelihood that an Israeli Mossad blackmail entrapment operation was behind all these events has entirely been ignored by mainstream commenters, but raises questions about how many of these facts may eventually come out.

Linh Dinh’s fifth ranking article discussed many of the strange aspects of the Jewish Holocaust narrative, so endlessly promoted in the Western media, and now even reaching into Albania, despite its near total lack of any Jewish population, a subject that quickly provoked over 250 comments totaling nearly 35,000 words.

Finally, rounding out our most popular articles of the last week was Israel Shamir’s praise for Texas, one of the American states now most strongly unwilling to continue the widespread Covid-19 lockdown policies that have become a regular way of life throughout America over the last twelve months, provoking well over 250 comments totaling more than 30,000 words.

What's going on in Israel? Has anyone figured it out yet? Isn't Israel the most vaccinated country in the world? It is. Haven't half of all Israelis already been vaccinated? Yes, they have. Haven't 90% of all Israelis over 60 (the age-group most likely to die from Covid) already been vaccinated? Yes. Then how did... Read More
Today’s characteristically luminous insights will be disordered and structurally horrifying, the sort of essay that would have sent my high-school English teacher into anaphylactic shock. In exculpation I plead laziness. Recently I wrote a column on China’s digital yuan, now in late-stage testing. Bare-bones explanation: You download a digital-wallet app with which you can then... Read More
The Influence of SJW Commissars Upon History
On paper, the US still has by far the world's strongest military. This is the case whether or not you measure it by military spending, by various indices of military power (e.g. MEU, CAP, or the CMP developed on this blog), or as pertains to the narrower if arguably more relevant naval sphere, by naval... Read More
It is now going on a year and a half since “financier” and pedophile Jeffrey Epstein died, allegedly by hanging himself in a New York City prison. Since that time it has surfaced that there were a number of “administrative” errors in the jail, meaning that Epstein was not being observed or on suicide watch... Read More
After moving to Philadelphia in 1982, I quickly discovered McGlinchey’s, home of the 50-cent draft of Rolling Rock, and Bacchanal, where there were poetry readings on Mondays. When I had a few extra bucks, I also treated myself to a chopped liver sandwich at the original Latimer Deli, or a meatloaf and mashed potato dinner... Read More
The spider discovered a wasp escaping his gossamer web. He is furious. How dare she? The wasp had been caught, bonded, poisoned. She is ready to be killed and eaten. And all of a sudden she wakes up and tears the spider web. You are a Neanderthal, the enraged spider exclaims, and you will end... Read More
Blasphemous Borrowings and the Jewish Roots of Translunacy
“History never repeats, but it does rhyme.” It’s a good line (though Mark Twain probably never said it). I see history rhyming in modern leftist ideology, which seems to contain blasphemous corruptions of three central Catholic doctrines: miraculous birth, immaculate conception and transubstantiation. Leftists mock and reject these doctrines in their original Christian form, but... Read More
The Porn Industry as Jewish Anti-Fascist Activism & Cultural Terrorism
Artemisia Gentileschi, Susanna and the Elders, circa 1610. Credit: Wikimedia Commons
Following a series of instances in which porn websites were discovered to be hosting videos depicting the rapes of underage girls (in some cases the platforms refused to take the videos down), some 2 million have since signed a petition to take down a variety of porn sites and prosecute their executives for human trafficking... Read More
Did Dostoevsky's Demons Predict Wokeism, Antifa and the Gender-Benders?
Since the so-called insurrection of January 6, big media, big government, and big corporations have been demanding the collective scalp of the Trumpian alt-right. If we don't somehow make those 70 million Trump voters disappear, the subtext goes, American democracy is doomed. The alt-right agrees that American democracy faces an existential threat, but disagrees vociferously... Read More
Federal prosecutors are charging a key informant in the case against a group of Michigan militia members who the FBI claims were plotting to kidnap Governor Gretchen Whitmer last fall. Stephen J. Robeson, a 58-year-old man from Wisconsin, was indicted on March 3rd by a grand jury for being a felon in possession of a... Read More
Just a few weeks ago I wrote a column entitled “The Ukraine’s Many Ticking Time Bombs” in which I listed a number of developments presenting a major threat to the Ukraine and, in fact, to all the countries of the region. In this short time the situation has deteriorated rather dramatically. I will therefore begin... Read More
If enough people say something often enough, it becomes “true.” Big media and people at the highest levels of government now accept that the Capitol takeover of January 6 was an “armed insurrection” by “white supremacists.” A few eccentrics wonder how you can have an “insurrection” with no plan and no weapons, but virtually everyone... Read More
Why is Vladimir Putin standing up to the richest and most powerful men in the world? Why is he bad-mouthing their "pet project" Globalization and trash-talking their "Great Reset"? Does he really think these corporate mandarins and "silver spoon" elites are going to listen to what he has to say or does he realize that... Read More
Moscow is painfully aware that the US/NATO “strategy” of containment of Russia is already reaching fever pitch. Again. This past Wednesday, at a very important meeting with the FSB board, President Putin laid it all out in stark terms: Not without a touch of wickedness, Putin added this was no exaggeration: "In fact, you don’t... Read More
Weddings are usually cause for celebration, and royal weddings are cause for national rejoicing. Even we colonials are fascinated by the British royal family. In 2014, when King Felipe VI succeeded his father Juan Carlos I of Spain, the crowds were puny compared to the commoners who rejoiced to see Prince William marry Kate Middleton.... Read More
Every now and then something happens, something you catch on TV or read in a magazine, or hear in a conversation which signals just how disjunctive—how unbridgeable—the division is today between the different groups of people we call “Americans.” That division is growing greater, more irreparable and sharper by the day…and there is not much... Read More
[Excerpted from the latest Radio Derb, now available exclusively through] The news recently has featured a spate of people behaving badly. It reveals an increasingly prominent class issue: the widening rift between working-class and lower-middle-class people (manual workers, clerks, small business owners, low-level government staff) and their social superiors in the Ruling Class (billionaires,... Read More
See also: JOHN DERBYSHIRE: Merrick Garland—Antifa Attorney General Plans To Crush Dissent Andy Ngo’s new book Unmasked: Inside Antifa's Radical Plan to Destroy Democracy is as important to understanding where we are today as Ann Coulter’s Adios America! was before Donald Trump election. Ngo shows that far from being just an “idea,” as President Joe... Read More
The problem with the mRNA Covid-19 vaccine, is not that it's a vaccine. It's that it's not safe. That's the issue: Safety. This view is shared by a great many professionals who believe that these potentially-toxic concoctions pose a significant threat to the health and well-being of anyone who chooses to get inoculated. Do you... Read More
Indicators of the Coming American Collapse
This is the third book by Andrei Martyanov that I am reviewing, the first one was “Book Review - Losing Military Supremacy: the Myopia of American Strategic Planning by Andrei Martyanov”, while the second one was “Book Review: Andrei Martyanov's The (Real) Revolution in Military Affairs”. I also interviewed Andrei about this second volume here.... Read More

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