Dear John,

Just wanted to make sure that you did not miss the email I sent to you extending an opportunity to personally thank President Trump for standing up for us and accomplishing so much during his presidency.

I sent the email below right after I returned from attending CPAC - American Uncanceled - in Orlando, Florida.

Say Thanks to President Trump...

And let me tell you the attendees were excited and optimistic about our future during the four day conference, and ready to continue the fight for our conservative values.

When President Trump addressed the attendees on Sunday, the crowd went patriotically WILD! They also went wild when President Trump promised them that he would continue to fight for them in other ways this year and next.

I'm delighted that we currently have just over a thousand Americans who have signed the "Thank You to President Trump" and I don't want you to miss the opportunity to add your name as well.

In addition, I'm counting on your help to continue the fight against liberals, for conservative values and to protect our constitutional rights.

Please sign the thank you to President Trump and send your generous support to help us continue to fight.

For America,

- John Philip Sousa IV

P.S. It's an honor to fight alongside you on behalf of our great Country to reverse the Left's march toward Socialism. If you think a family member or friend would like to "thank" President Trump, please feel free to forward my email to them.

You're receiving this email because you're committed to defending America against rabid liberals hell-bent on destroying our values. If you're giving up on this critical fight, please UNSUBSCRIBE

Stars & Stripes Forever PAC | Your grassroots SuperPAC
A Message from..
John Philip Sousa IV
National Chairman of Stars & Stripes Forever PAC
Formerly the 2016 Committee and National Draft Ben Carson for President Committee

Dear John,

What a long way we have come and with so many achievements since this Committee was originally formed in August of 2013 as the National Draft Ben Carson for President Committee, often referred to as Run Ben Run!

Me and Dr. Carson...Not only did we convince Dr. Ben Carson to run for president in 2016, but since we began in 2013, our work to bring minorities back to the Party that truly cares about them and their futures using our proven "Nadler Method" has been fruitful.

President Trump won the election in 2016 due in part to the advance work of this Committee and thousands of Patriotic Americans like you, John.

Because of your great love and hope for America, we were able to reach out to black voters on behalf of Donald Trump. Believe me, we could not have purchased more than one million dollars' worth of ads over black radio stations since 2013 without your support!

Without your help, President Trump would not have won in 2016. And without President Trump serving those four years, America would not have experienced such an unprecedented economic boom, achieved the lowest unemployment rates and illegal immigration numbers in decades, and strengthened religious freedom and the rights of the unborn.

That's why I hope that you will take a moment to sign a Thank You to President Trump for his commitment to us, his hard work and his accomplishments.

As you know, after the November elections, and with so many legal challenges and more questions than answers about the integrity of the vote counting, we turned our attention and financial muscle over to the Georgia Senate Run-off elections.

We knew that while the Trump team fought the presidential legal battles (suspicious mail-in voting, ballot harvesting, computer fraud, and out-of-state people voting), we had to work to secure that those two seats went to the Republicans to keep our control of the Senate.

Thanks to your support, we were able to air 81 ads a week on black urban radio stations throughout Georgia the month prior to the January 5th run-offs and I can't thank you enough.

Unfortunately, we lost those battles - and I'm guessing you are feeling pretty much the same as me; it's a feeling that goes between being sucker punched in the gut and one of simply being stunned.

Even so, WE CAN'T GIVE UP! Remember, we've accomplished so much together since 2013.

In 2014 through 2016, our ads increased the black vote for Republicans across the country. And in the specific case of this year's Georgia run-offs, our research tells us that those ads indeed impacted the minority vote and resulted in Republicans Loeffler and Perdue receiving 7% to 8% of the black vote (4% of black females and 10% to 12% of black males).

Once again, proving that our "Nadler Method" is the key for winning minorities back to the Party that shares their values and really cares about them and their families' future.

No, we did not lose because of the minority vote, frankly, we lost because the Democrats beat us on turnout - especially in the urban areas and collar counties. We lost because Republicans mismanaged the effort from the get-go and just as in the presidential election, there are strong indications of illegal voting, corrupted vote counting, and computer fraud.

The most accurate election results we can find:
Biden Won By A Landslide...

Yes, there is no denying it: this is a huge disaster for America.

And these Trump Haters won't stop even though they stole the election from him and us.

Me and Dr. Carson...No, they decided that impeaching Donald Trump was the way forward so last month the House voted in favor of impeachment making him the first President in American history to be impeached twice.

Then the Senate just last week acquitted former President Donald Trump with a vote of 57 guilty to 43 not guilty, short of the 67 guilty votes needed to convict.

And all the while the Democrats are proclaiming that they are intent on unifying the nation once again. BULL HOCKEY!

The truth is, we face a choice: we can curl up in a corner and put a blanket over our head for four years and give up OR we can choose to continue our fight against all that is bad in America and support all that is good (and there is lots that is good).

I and Stars & Stripes Forever PAC choose to continue the fight...

We will take on serious issues that impact each and every one of us and we will support conservative candidates in this year's New Jersey and Virginia Governor's races as well as support good candidates in special elections over the next two years in an effort to take the House and the Senate back so Joe and Kamala only have two years to reign havoc on Americans and undo all of the greatness forged by President Trump.

We are developing battle plans and strategies to:

• Pass Term Limits for Congress

• Protect Americans from tax hikes

• Stop Biden's Amnesty

• Secure and expand School Choice

• Defend the rights of the unborn

• Beat back Socialism

These are just a few of the battles we will be undertaking, and I'd feel better knowing you're still fighting along side me.

I truly understand if you are feeling frustrated and defeated, but I hope you won't stay feeling that way for too long before you rejoin the fight. After all, this is what happens if patriots like you and me refuse to fight:

The Constitution is at stake...

I'm counting on your support. We have big jobs that are crucial to the survival of the American we love, but we can't do it without you, John.

We need to build a war chest for our upcoming battles against the Biden Administration and the House and Senate, as well as be in strong financial shape by the beginning of 2023 for the presidential elections. We will pick OUR candidate early and throw every ounce of support toward them in the presidential primary season.

Please RENEW your support today by sending a most generous gift of $, if you can swing it.

But if that is just too much for you right now, please know that any amount you feel comfortable sending is critically needed.

I trust you will do what you can.

We need your help again today so we can hit the ground running fighting against Joe Biden's Anti-America, Pro-China Agenda and be in a strong position to work to elect a Conservative in the next Presidential Election.

I'll be in touch shortly with specifics about the battles we will engage in from now until June 2021. John, thank you for your support and I pray for your health and safety.

John Philip Sousa IVFor America,
John Philip Sousa IV
John Philip Sousa IV
National Chairman, Stars & Stripes Forever PAC

P.S. Please sign the thank you to President Trump. President Trump gave us everything he had over the past four years and accomplished so much for us and our loved ones. He was able to do this even with so much adversity and partisanship. He truly is a great leader and we were blessed to have him. Thanking him is the least we can do. If you add your name, it will be included in a master thank you that I will send to him directly. I know he will be touched.

It is my hope that in the years since our founding in 2013 we have earned your trust as a reliable, honest, and effective organization. I have endeavored to exhibit integrity throughout our relationship. It is also my hope that you will continue to fight by my side for what is right.

There's a lot of work to do, but together, we can continue to dispel the Liberals' Lies and safeguard America from the throes of Socialism.