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NCRC launches interactive tool to explore local lending patterns

The new tool will be available to the general public for a month, then become an exclusive service for NCRC members.
View and use the NCRC Fair Lending Report

Dear NCRC members and allies,

The National Community Reinvestment Coalition (NCRC) today launched the Fair Lending Report, an interactive tool that allows users to produce a report on mortgages, small business lending and bank branch networks for any city, county or metro area in the nation.

The report is designed to help local and national leaders gather insights about lending and bank networks, detect patterns of disinvestment and compare the performance of lenders in any community.

The report uses data that banks, credit unions and non-bank mortgage lenders are required to report under the Home Mortgage Disclosure Act, along with small business lending data, bank branch locations and U.S. Census data. 

View and use the NCRC Fair Lending Report here.

NCRC will host a free webinar to demonstrate the new tool and answer questions on Tuesday, March 16 at 12 PM ET. 
Register for the webinar on March 16 at 12 PM ET
For access to the tool after the public launch period, join NCRC
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