With you by our side, we've been steadfast in our support of the Syrian people.
Hi John,

I don't get a chance to write often, so let me re-introduce myself. My name is Bob Kitchen. I coordinate emergency response teams for the IRC in more than 40 countries, including Syria which, as of this month, has been in crisis for a decade.

This somber milestone inspired me to reach out and say thank you, John, for your commitment to Syrian children and families — like Aisha and Ali*, in the photo above, ten-year-old twins who have only experienced conflict in their home country.

We couldn't mark this month without acknowledging your critical role in our work in Syria.

Because of your support, the IRC was able to respond to the emergency and continue to provide critical, long-term support to Syrians still in danger after a decade in crisis.

My work puts me on the ground in emergency situations around the world, giving me a distinct perspective on how uniquely devastating the crisis in Syria is and has been.

And yet, through it all, and with you by our side, we've been steadfast in our support of the Syrian people.

Your generosity has meant we can support health facilities and mobile health teams with lifesaving trauma, primary, reproductive and mental health services. Our early childhood development program also helps children develop the cognitive and socio-emotional skills they need to grow and thrive.

In 2020 alone, the IRC and our partner organizations reached over 900,000 Syrians inside their country, where we provided:
  • Health care to 545,000+ people in IRC-supported clinics and hospitals and by mobile health teams
  • Safety and support to 42,500+ vulnerable women and girls, including survivors of assault and abuse
  • Job training and cash or vouchers to almost 160,000 Syrians to help them buy food and other essential items for their families
  • Safe places to play and learn for 123,000+ children who also had access to psychosocial support to help them overcome distress and deal with their emotions
And that was thanks in large part to you, John.

The people of Syria — and the people the IRC serves around the world — deeply appreciate your dedication and generosity.

On behalf of the IRC, thank you for your past support, your current support, and your support in the months and years to come.

Bob Kitchen
Vice President, Emergencies and Humanitarian Action
International Rescue Committee
*Their names have been changed to protect the privacy and safety of a minor.
The International Rescue Committee | Rescue.org
122 East 42nd Street, New York, New York 10168-1289 USA

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