Dear John -

With St. Patrick's Day approaching we're going to write special letters to the editor: climate limericks!

We'll give directions on limerick structure and demo how to submit letters to the editor. You'll have an opportunity to get peer support on crafting your climate friendly message for St. Patrick's Day!

Climate Limerick Writing Party
Monday, March 15, 7PM

Are you joining the
March Climate Action Meeting?
Here are three upcoming events, including the chapter meeting followed by a special talk on food access and poverty alleviation in the context of climate change with Dr. Burney and CCL National.
Saturday, March 13, 11:00am-12:30pm ET

CCL DC Chapter Meeting

Join Citizens' Climate Lobby DC Chapter as we multiply our efforts on climate change. We will gather virtually to plan upcoming events, and advance our efforts with Conservative Outreach, Student Outreach, Congressional Advocacy, and Movement Building. Don't miss this conversation with like-minded climate advocates!

What: CCL DC Chapter Meeting
When: Saturday, March 13, 11am-12:30pm ET
RSVP for March Chapter meeting
Saturday, March 13, 1:00-2:00pm ET

CCL National Speaker: Dr. Jennifer Burney

CCLs featured speaker for March is Jennifer Burney of UC San Diego.

We often say, "Listen to the scientists and create policies based on the science." This month we hear from Jennifer Burney, Associate Professor at the School of Global Policy and Strategy, University of California, San Diego. Her research focuses on simultaneously achieving global food security and mitigating climate change. She designs, implements, and evaluates technologies for poverty alleviation and agricultural adaptation.

Fun fact: Dr. Burney is also the inaugural holder of the Marshall Saunders Chancellor’s Endowed Chair of Climate Policy and Research at UCSD -- the same Marshall Saunders who founded CCL! 

What: CCL August Monthly Speaker Dr. Jennifer Burney
When: Saturday, March 13, 1:00-2:00pm ET 
RSVP for March Speaker
Saturday, March 27, 3:00-4:30pm ET

CCLDC March Book Club 

This month, CCLDC's book club will be discussing Climate Justice: Hope, Resilience, and the Fight for a Sustainable Future by Mary Robinson. President Barack Obama once said about Robinson, "As advocate for the forgotten and the ignored, Mary Robinson has not only shone a light on human suffering, but illuminated a better future for our world." Come chat about the book with us!

What: CCLDC Book Club
When: Saturday, March 27, 3:00-4:30pm ET
RSVP for March Book Club


National CCL events: As always, if you are missing more CCL in your life, check out CCL National's event calendar.

Volunteer opportunity: Our chapter's Communications team is underway! We are still in need of volunteers to (1) post content on social media, (2) create simple graphics for events like the ones above, and (3) wherever else you see a communications gap. Please reach out to Debbie if you're interested.
Please feel free to keep up with our chapter calendar on our CCL Community page at:
Help lobby for climate solutions:
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