What you need to know about NFTs, and crypto art's carbon crisis

As Beeple's 'Everydays — The First 5000 Days' nets $69m at Christie's, blockchain-authenticated NFT art is driving record prices. But legal grey areas and hefty carbon emissions might lead buyers to think twice

Contraceptive cost of COVID: a million unplanned pregnancies

Millions of women lost out on family planning services due to pandemic, leading to 1.4 million unplanned pregnancies, new U.N. data shows

U.N. puts nature's value on the balance sheet. Will it work?

Adopted this week by the U.N. Statistical Commission, the landmark accounting standards bring natural capital into economic decision-making

A decade after Syria's war began, memories haunt a family it tore apart

Syrians see no end to their suffering after a decade of war which has killed hundreds of thousands and ripped families apart

Viral breastfeeding photo fuels calls in Cambodia on women's rights

Social media outcry after police chief shamed officer for breastfeeding while on duty

Women share safety tips as London murder case stokes anxiety

The discovery of suspected human remains during a police search for missing Londoner Sarah Everard has sparked heated debate around street safety

Lebanese sexologist lambasts ridicule by 'childish' TV hosts

In a country where sex education is all but absent from schooling and discussions on sex remain taboo, Atallah hopes to bring facts to the table and dispel disinformation

Widow of Bangladesh shipbreaker pursues test case on worker safety

The wife of a man who fell to his death dismantling a tanker is arguing the ship's former owners hold responsibility in a closely-watched test case

UK charity launches world's first LGBT+ climate fund

The fund will give up to 5,000 pounds to campaigners advocating for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people in climate-related emergencies, says GiveOut

Africans slam rich nations for blocking access to generic COVID vaccines

Africa has received only 0.2% of 300 million coronavirus vaccine doses administered worldwide while Western members of the World Trade Organization seek to defend their patent rights

UK urged to create garment industry watchdog to tackle labour abuses

Textile factories in Leicester, England, are under scrutiny over low pay and poor conditions for workers supplying fashion brands such as Boohoo

* Feel free to republish the Thomson Reuters Foundation stories above as long as credit is given.


OPINION: Want cities to bounce back after COVID-19? Build streets for people, not cars

A mass-scale reimagining of street space is taking place. Now is the time for leaders, including in New York, to give streets back to people

OPINION: The EU must follow its 'LGBTIQ Freedom Zone' declaration with action

To truly be an 'LGBTIQ Freedom Zone, the EU must follow the symbolic declaration with bold and effective action

OPINION: After 50 days of President Joe Biden, LGBT+ Americans are still under attack

President Joe Biden has taken steps to further LGBT+ rights, but transgender kids access to sport is under threat in 25 states.

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