We need to focus on the last stage of the election right now, John. //


These days, my to do list is getting shorter and shorter as I count the days left until the election.

With 21 days until Canadians vote, I am focused on making sure we can roll out the last stages of our winning strategy.

There may be fewer items on my list, but the plans that remain are the most critical to our entire campaign, John.

We’re about to set in motion the strategies that will make the previous few weeks of campaigning worth it – by turning the energy we’re feeling into results and getting our teams prepped for the next wave of campaign action. But in order for our teams to get the go-ahead, we need to make sure they have what they need – and to do that, we need to hit our $85,000 end-of-quarter target by midnight tonight. Can you chip in $3 right now?

Chip in!

This is my favourite part of the campaign, John – we’re seeing the work we’ve put into the campaign so far really take off.

But if we don’t hit tonight’s end-of-quarter target, I’ll have to tell the teams to cut back on their end of campaign plans – and that will put in jeopardy our election success.

Canadians are counting on us – and we can’t afford to let them down. Can you chip in today so we can put our teams in the best possible position for the final weeks of this critical campaign?




Jesse Strean Calvert
Director of Operations
Canada’s NDP


New Democratic Party of Canada

300-279 Laurier West, Ottawa, ON, K1P5J9 | 1-866-525-2555
