
One year ago today, New Mexico confirmed its first four cases of COVID-19 and Governor Lujan Grisham declared a state of emergency. As we continue to take steps toward ending this pandemic for good, I wanted to reach out and ensure you have the resources you need to keep yourself and your community safe.

If you are over 75 years old, have a health condition that puts you at greater risk of COVID-related complications, or work in a hospital, school, long-term health facility, or as a home health aid, you are eligible to receive a safe and free COVID-19 vaccine. Click here to register for a vaccine, and the New Mexico Department of Health will alert you as soon as one becomes available.


The unfortunate truth is the Trump administration did not take the proper steps to secure vaccines for all Americans, and for that reason, supply is still behind where it should be. But supply has been ramping up rapidly, and I have been fighting to get New Mexico adequate supplies and funding to vaccinate everyone.

This global health crisis has also created a crippling economic crisis. Many of our small businesses — the backbone of our communities and our state’s economy — have been hit especially hard. I fought for relief for small businesses and local restaurants as part of the American Rescue Plan signed into law today, and I will continue to do all I can to ensure they get the relief and assistance they need.

I am also fighting to ensure that every person who has lost their job as a result of this pandemic has access to robust unemployment benefits. In addition, there will be a third round of direct cash payments disbursed over the coming weeks for individuals who earn under $75,000 or couples who earn under $150,000.

Below is a list of resources for New Mexicans struggling with food insecurity, lack of access to childcare, tax questions, or mortgage, rental, or utility payments:


For now, I urge you to continue to practice social distancing and wear a mask in public settings. It has been a difficult year, and we have lost too many family and community members already, but we are close to the end.

Let’s continue to stay safe and take care of one another.

— Martin






PO Box 25763
Albuquerque, NM 87125
