I’m sure you’ve heard the great news: President Biden has just signed the hugely important and broadly popular American Rescue Plan, the $1.9 trillion bill designed to help working families and those Americans hardest hit by the coronavirus pandemic. More than 70 percent of Americans—including majorities of Republicans, Democrats and Independents—support the American Rescue Plan.
This new law provides funding to:
- Help our schools reopen safely, and protect students and educators.
- Ensure preK-12 schools and colleges have the resources they need to recover.
- Support quicker, more widespread vaccine distribution.
- Provide $1,400 direct payments to help struggling Americans and boost the economy.
- Extend unemployment insurance and rental assistance.
- Keep critical jobs and vital services in our states, cities and towns.
Passage of this bill wasn’t a sure thing. Your senators needed to hear from you about how important it was to have a coronavirus rescue and economic stimulus plan that helped working families—not another giveaway to Fortune 500 companies and the mega-rich. Your senators needed their constituents to let them know that the real danger wasn’t the price tag, but in passing a bill that was too small.
Your senators heard you loud and clear. Now it’s time for them to hear from you again: Click here to tell your senators “thank you” for passing the American Rescue Plan.
There is much work ahead. We are still in the middle of an economic emergency and a public health crisis, and we need a functional government focused on the American people and not senators more interested in their own arcane procedures than our nation’s recovery.
Please take the time today to thank your senators for passing the American Rescue Plan.
Thank you for all you do to help our country weather these challenges.
In unity,
Randi Weingarten
AFT president
Randi Weingarten, President
Fedrick C. Ingram, Secretary-Treasurer | Evelyn DeJesus, Executive Vice President
© American Federation of Teachers, AFL-CIO. All rights reserved.
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