Fellow Conservative,

Biden has nominated a slew of ultra-liberal nominees to round out his cabinet. With your attention, calls, and letters, Senate Democrats have begun to fracture over their support for some noms.

This week, Senate Democrats postponed Neera Tanden’s confirmation hearings—her prospects of being confirmed are slowly withering away as key swing Senators of both parties have come forward to say that they will not vote to confirm Tanden, a radical Liberal with a history of being toxic on Twitter.

With this success, we’ve dialed up the pressure on Xavier Becerra, Biden’s pick to run the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). We released a second ad highlighting Becerra’s radical policies on health care, including when he sued nuns to try and force them to pay for abortions.

>>> Watch ad on Twitter, Facebook, and Youtube

During his confirmation hearings this week, Becerra was faced with heavy hitting questions in which he stumbled and gave non-answers. He ducked and dodged when asked why he sued nuns or what his stance is on partial birth abortions. In fact, he failed to even answer if there was a single abortion restriction that he opposed.

An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, and preventing one radical Leftist nominee will cure us of a slew of bad policies down the line.

And as conservatives force the Senate to scrutinize Biden’s nominees, Democrats will be on defense, with less energy and political capital to move their agenda through Congress.

>>> Take Action: If you haven’t already, you can call your senators and share with them your opposition to Neera Tanden and Xavier Becerra.

Pelosi’s so-called “Equality” Act (H.R. 5)—On Thursday, the House passed H.R. 5. This bill is disguised as a champion for equality, but in reality it radically redefines gender in society and includes provisions that would endanger women and girls, crowd them out of women’s sports, and limit the free exercise of religion.

We released a Key Vote against H.R. 5 and you can see how your representative voted on our scorecard. Only three House Republicans joined Democrats in voting for the Equality Act, showing a united front that refused to give into the Leftists’ woke pressure.

Importantly, three Republican congressmen who voted “Yes” on the bill in 2019 did the correct thing and voted “No” on Thursday. Winning representatives back to the right side of an issue is only possible when conservative activists like you continue to bring attention to the issue. Well done!

Pelosi’s $1.9 Trillion Payoff to Progressives—Last night, House Democrats passed a bill they claim to be COVID relief, but in reality, less than 9% of the money is directly for combatting the coronavirus. It’s mostly a Leftist payout to their supporters, a progressive wishlist that will bankrupt America. Read our Key Vote here.

Included is $130 billion for K-12 funding without requiring schools to reopen, a $15 minimum wage which will make it even harder for already struggling small businesses to survive, another round of stimulus checks, and paid time off for ONLY federal employees with children whose schools aren’t open. But again, this bill doesn’t tie any school funding towards requiring schools to reopen—it’s madness!

Also Included is a $350 billion bailout for state and local governments, but the heavily indebted big Liberal states like California, New York, and Illinois are undeserving of a bailout. Their fiscal insanity predates the pandemic, and it's their own fault they closed down their economies and dried up their own tax revenues. Perhaps they should have ignored mainstream media and been more like Florida.

Split The Check.png

LISTEN: Jessica Anderson on the New York Times’ podcast “The Argument”—The show takes a debate format, and Jessica was invited to make the case for keeping the filibuster. Noted liberal and NYT columnist Ezra Klein argued for getting rid of it.

The Heritage Foundation and Heritage Action have been thought and activism leaders in defending the filibuster. Thorough debate and the rights of the minority party have long been important features of the Senate, and the filibuster is key to both. Additionally, the filibuster is one of the few checks that conservatives have on the Biden-Harris agenda.

It’s important that conservatives take our message to new audiences and engage with those that may disagree with us. If we shrink from debate and let the Left control the narrative, we will lose.

READ: Biden’s Agenda Starts with His Nominees—Jessica Anderson highlighted the differences between Biden’s cabinet confirmations that are currently going on and Obama’s cabinet confirmations in 2009.

"Most past HHS nominees have been M.D.s or at least had relevant experience — before leading HHS, Alex Azar had previous experience at HHS...Tom Price was a physician...Becerra, on the other hand, has no medical experience."

Pelosi’s election takeover bill (H.R. 1) is scheduled for a vote next week in the House. Titled the “For the People Act,” it is anything but.

With taxpayer dollars going to fund politicians’ re-election campaigns, we know who this bill is really for.


But that’s just the tip of the iceberg. H.R. 1 federalizes election laws, removes state voter ID requirements, mandates same-day voter registration, and ensures the loose election laws that of November 2020 continue forever.

It further changes the FEC from a bipartisan split 3-3 leadership, to a majority led 3-2 leadership. Now that Democrats have power, they want to enshrine it in law and wield it to make sure they never lose another election.

Fighting back against the Left’s election takeover will happen on two fronts:

  • On the federal level, we must oppose H.R. 1. Read more here.
  • And on the state level, we need to safeguard the sanctity of “one person, one vote.” Read our policy recommendations on our new website for election integrity: www.saveourelections.com.

We will continue to fight for election integrity through 2022 and beyond. Our efforts are just getting underway, and there will be more ways you can help through 2021. Onward!

- Jessica and the Heritage Action Team

Join the fight to advance the conservative agenda.


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