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ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, MSNBC Ignore Andrew Cuomo Sex Harassment Claim
How long is America going to put up with these totalitarian barbarians?

ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, MSNBC Ignore Andrew Cuomo Sex Harassment Claim

By: Wendell Husebo, Breitbart News, February 26, 2021:

America’s three most prominent ...

Amazon Prime Stops Streaming Clarence Thomas Documentary During Black History Month
This is racism – pure ugly hatred.

Tech Censorship Is Accelerating – WSJ

Paoletta: Amazon Prime Stops Streaming Clarence Thomas Documentary During Black History Month

By: Mary Paoletta: Breitbart, February 26, 2022:

Amazon ...

Dems Invite MSNBC Analyst Who Called for ISIS to Bomb Trump Properties to Testify on “Rise of Domestic Terrorism in U.S.”
You can't make this stuff up.

MSNBC analyst who told ISIS to bomb Trump Tower testifying in domestic terrorism hearing

By Andrew Mark Miller | Washington Examiner| February 24, 2021:

An MSNBC political analyst who once encouraged ...

AG Nominee Merrick Garland: Prosecuting Capitol ‘Attackers and Plotters’ Will Be Priority
Pursing hoax and lies to further persecution of political opponents. Did our founders not establish this great nation to escape this very thing?

AG nominee Merrick Garland: Prosecuting Capitol ‘attackers and plotters’ will be priority ...

Biden adviser called coronavirus pandemic ‘BEST THING THAT EVER HAPPENED’ to the president
War. This is what war looks like in the 21st century.

Biden adviser called coronavirus pandemic 'best thing that ever happened' to the president, new book reveals

Anita Dunn's comment was something 'campaign officials believed but would ...

Georgia Senators Pass Bill to Require ID for Absentee Voting
<It's something – it's a beginning. Mail-In Ballots are not allowed in France since 1975. This ruined our election. We must institute a ban on this fraudulent practice.

Mail-in ballots and voting machines banned in France

Georgia ...

Top Florida Democrat makes 2022 play as DeSantis’ stock rises
The 2022 election for Florida Governor has national implications. The people of Florida must get behind Governor DeSantis in a big way. Florida is the envy of America, because of the pro-freedom policies of Governor DeSantis. Imagine what Florida ...

Gunmen storm Nigerian school, KIDNAP over 300 school girls just days after ANOTHER mass abduction
Without Trump, the world spins out. Without Trump, the world spins out of control, again. Obama 3.0.


Nigeria: Muslims screaming ‘Allahu akbar’ kidnap hundreds of schoolboys, shoot one student dead ...


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