Dear Partners, 

On behalf of Families USA, I'm excited to invite you to our 25th annual Health Action Conference, Our Nation's Health in the Balance

Registration is now open! In honor of our 25th conference, we have reduced the overall registration rates and waived the processing fees, and the first 100 registrants will receive the special 25th celebration rate of $425.

As we celebrate our 25th annual convening, the country will also be launching into the beginning of one of the highest stakes presidential election years in history. With a polarized country, we want to come together to discuss the issue at the root of everything: our health. With the threats to patients with pre-existing conditions, to Texas v. U.S. looming, and the uncertainty of the election outcome in November, our nation’s health is in the balance. We invite you to join your fellow health care champions at Health Action to participate in and contribute to skills-sharing and -building workshops, attend fortifying and inspiring plenary sessions, and to network with and learn from fellow advocates and experts in the field.

Families USA is providing scholarships on a need basis. You may apply for a scholarship until the deadline on October 15, 2019. Be sure to check out the conference website and follow #HA2020 and #HA25 on social media for updates. 

To your health, 

Patrick Willard, Senior Director of State and National Strategic Partnerships
Copyright © 2019 Families USA, All rights reserved.
Health Action 2020

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