Good News in New Jersey
- Voting by college students went up significantly last election and "Collectively, New Jersey universities saw the largest increases of any state in the proportion of students who voted in 2018, compared with the 2014 midterms.". Thanks to all the great people who got out the vote on college campuses across the state!
- Have you seen this fantastic video in support of Penna and Nelson for Monmouth County Freeholder? In addition to her other great qualities, Moira Nelson is ATNJ's Director of Drug Policy Reform, and we couldn't be prouder of watching her run!
- Garden State Equality released their endorsements and we're proud to see everyone that ATNJ officially endorsed has made their list! Congratulations to Allison Friedman in LD13, Stacey Gunderman and Lisa Mandelblatt in LD 21, Lisa Bhimani and Darcy Draeger in LD 25, Christine Clarke in LD 26, Laura Fortgang in LD 26, and Moira Nelson for Monmouth County Freeholder!
- Those of us in New Jersey who have been complaining about the EDA scandal for awhile now are happy that we finally have a Governor who is looking into the corruption. Now the FBI is getting involved too.
- Congratulations to candidate Christine Clarke, LD 26, for getting the endorsement of Vote Mama!
- New Jersey is one of the states joining in to sue the Trump administration in order to help protect our environment.
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