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Last year when we listed Deb Haaland as a potential Secretary of Interior pick on our Progressive Cabinet Project, it seemed like a long shot. Now, Sen. Joe Manchin — widely considered the deciding 50th vote for confirming Haaland — says he’s voting for her

This week, in conjunction with Haaland’s confirmation hearings, our VP of policy and strategy Julian Brave NoiseCat was all over the media to help get her confirmed. This includes a new piece yesterday in the Washington Post, where he breaks why it matters that Haaland will be the first ever Native American Cabinet member, and why it scares Republicans:
That’s not all — here are other ways Julian has been pushing for #DebForInterior:
—> He wrote a new piece this morning in The Nation that breaks down how the GOP’s efforts to tarnish Haaland have failed, while she responded with grace.
—> He penned a great analysis for Politico about Sen. Lisa Murkowski’s decision on whether to confirm Deb Haaland as Secretary of Interior.
—> He was interviewed on the Mehdi Hasan Show to break down why Haaland’s nomination would be so historic.
—> He also made waves on Twitter. During the hearings, GOP Senator Steve Daines asked Haaland why she cosponsored a bill to protect grizzly bears in perpetuity, and Haaland matter-of-factly responded: “I imagine at the time I was caring about the bears.” In response, Julian launched the Twitter handle @Bears4Deb, which you should definitely follow.

Here are some other highlights from DFP over the past week:
DFP executive director Sean McElwee spoke at a press conference yesterday with the Groundwork Collaborative and Senators Schumer, Bennet, Brown, and Booker on expanding the Child Tax Credit and the Earned Income Tax Credit. The gist? “For the last six years we had a Senate majority focused solely on large corporations’ bottom line. Now we have a Senate majority focused on lifting children above the poverty line.”
Data for Progress joined forces with the team over at Pod Save America to run some polling on what Americans think of HR1, a bill in Congress that would enact voting-rights measures and campaign finance reform. The verdict? As DFP polling analyst Evangel Penumaka explains in Crooked, 68% of voters — a resounding majority — support the For The People Act. You can catch the Pod Save folks discussing our polling on this week’s episode of Pod Save America.
In a recent survey, we asked voters whether they support eliminating fossil fuel subsidies and instead investing in clean energy. We presented them with two statements — one in favor, the other calling it a job killer. We found that voters reject Republicans’ framing that environmental protections kill jobs — even after hearing the statements, voters support cutting fossil fuel subsidies by a 17-point margin.

For nearly 40 years, the federal government has analyzed new regulations through a process called cost-benefit analysis. In an in-depth new memo, we show strong voter support for reforming this process, including 71 percent support for ending the practice of putting human lives in dollars-and-cents terms.
