Dear John
You are invited to a training day, to learn how you can use Church Action on Poverty's new Poverty, Faith and Justice workshops in your church or diocese.
Friday 15 November
Church Action on Poverty, 28 Sandpiper Court, Water's Edge Business Park. Modwen Road, Salford M5 3EZ
Poverty, Faith and Justice is a series of five workshops, designed to help people to explore the relationship between their faith and action for justice. The sessions make use of a variety of content including factual information, real experiences, videos, biblical reflection and church teaching from different traditions.
The training day is for people who want to run the workshops for their own church or group. It will equip you with the skills and confidence to deliver the workshops, and answer any questions you may have about what is involved.
Originally designed for Leeds Justice & Peace Commission, the workshops have been piloted across Leeds Diocese with great success. Here are some quotes from participants who have completed the course:
‘Great balance of content - informative, practical and theological’.
‘How to take action. It was simplified and made action seem accessible and possible.’
‘I really enjoyed the mixture of activities: icebreakers, videos, discussion, information, slides, etc.’
‘Practical, bitesize, manageable approach to social justice issues.’
The cost of the training day is £20. Please contact us if a bursary place is required.
Best wishes
Sarah Purcell
Church Action on Poverty