Dear Supporter, While 88% of Americans think people should be required to obtain a permit before carrying a concealed gun in public, the gun lobby is working tirelessly in state capitals across the country to undermine public safety by passing permitless concealed carry laws.1 Permitless carry laws allow people to carry concealed firearms without undergoing basic weapons training and background checks. Permitless carry bills have been introduced in at least 9 states already just this year and have already passed in at least two (Utah and Montana). Sign the petition now and urge your state legislators to OPPOSE permitless concealed carry laws!>> Loosening the restrictions and making it easier for anyone to obtain a gun is beyond reckless. According to Shannon Watts, founder of the gun control group Moms Demand Action, the annual rate of aggravated assaults with a firearm has increased 71% in Alaska since 2003, when that state became the first to allow concealed carry without a permit.2 Our country should be collectively taking steps to reduce gun violence - not increase it! Thanks for everything you do. In community, Amol, People For the American Way [1] "88% of Americans think you should get a permit before carrying a concealed gun in public" Everytown For Gun Safety Research and Policy (2015) [2] "States eye allowing concealed carry of guns without permit" ABC News, 1/24/21 ![]()