Press Release
Reports into Islamophobia at Fringe Meeting at Conservative Party Conference
30 September 2019
After discussion at a fringe meeting during the Conservative Party Conference on Islamophobia reportedly descended into more bigotry an MCB spokesperson said:
"In the last few years there have been victims who have felt the pernicious impact of Islamophobia, be they people attacked on the street because of their faith, those discriminated at work, or those at the receiving end of abuse, including Muslims who are committed members of the Conservative Party."
"Rather than seeking to do something about it, we witness an entire fringe meeting devoted to dismissing the experience of these victims."
"We are not surprised."
"The meeting was hosted by Policy Exchange, an organisation with a history of whipping up hostility against British Muslim civil society. An organisation that was exposed by the BBC for appearing to manufacture evidence against a mosque. The very same organisation that has wilfully misrepresented the definition of Islamophobia as proposed by the All Part Parliamentary Group on British Muslims by inaccurately claiming that they would stifle free speech. A spurious talking point echoed, wrongly, again this morning by the Chancellor."
"With divisive outfits like the Policy Exchange holding such a sway over the Conservative Party, it comes as no surprise to many of us that the Tories have a long journey to tackle the extremists amongst its midst."