In the Media, our daily collection of news and commentary related to secularism, is one of the most
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More than 20,000 children started at faith schools in England this month, despite choosing secular schools as their first preference, the NSS has found.
Leaders of several churches with significant influence in Northern Ireland have called for the restoration of the Stormont Assembly to prevent the
introduction of abortion in Northern Ireland next month.
Nearly 500 men and boys have been rescued from a building where detainees were allegedly sexually abused and tortured, Nigerian police said. The building is
thought to have been an Islamic school.
Iranian intelligence officials detained three of women's rights activist Masih Alinejad's family members in a move criticised by rights groups as an attempt
to intimidate the US-based activist and journalist into silence.
Former football commentator Archie Macpherson has called for an "open and bold" debate on Catholic schools in Scotland after saying he does not like
separating children at the age of five.
Dozens of furious protesters gathered at a radio station's Sydney office earlier to demonstrate against a radio presenter who made a joke about the Christian
virgin Mary.
The Catholic Church will pay more than $1m to a victim of Gerald Ridsdale, one of the country's most notorious paedophile priests, in a landmark settlement
reached on Friday.
A Christian actress removed from a lead role over a "homophobic" Facebook post is to take the theatre and her agency to court for breach of contract and
religious discrimination.
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