We need to come together and collectively demand the GOP stand up to Trump's bigotry.

For years now, the President has used social media to sling attack after attack against those who use their first amendment rights to speak against his hate and bigotry—and this weekend's recent meltdown is no different.

Rather than doing the job of the American people, Trump chose to repeatedly slander four sitting Members of Congress by spreading racist vitriol—and, rather than condemning him, his Republican supporters have stood utterly silent.

This is unacceptable. We need to come together and collectively demand the GOP stand up to Trump’s bigotry.

Republicans in Congress have for too long cowered to Trump in fear of facing the wrath of his 140 character twitter storms—but no more.

These racist tirades by the individual in our country’s most powerful position poison our institutions and weaken the fabric of our democracy. The GOP must stand up to the President and denounce these attacks—not just for members of Congress, but in defense of the constitution itself.

No elected representative of the people should be complicit in the President’s blatantly racist attacks on our members of Congress—add your name here if you agree that Republicans need to speak out or stay home: https://cvanhollen.bsd.net/trump-bigotry

Thank you for doing what’s right and making your voice heard.
