McConnell will "absolutely" support Trump.
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Friend, just a few weeks ago Mitch McConnell voted to acquit former President Trump for inciting an insurrection against our country. Yesterday, without hesitation, McConnell said he would “absolutely” support Trump if he secures the 2024 Republican presidential nomination.  

McConnell’s embrace of Trump after his words and actions led to a coup against our democracy, is despicable. As a direct result of Trump’s call for violence, individuals - including police officers who served this nation - lost their lives. Despite the loss of lives, despite the mob-like violence, despite the complete attack on our democracy, McConnell continues to put party over country.  

McConnell simply doesn’t care about our democracy or the future of this country. I never had any doubt, but it’s clearer than ever that he will continue to support and empower Trump and his cronies, including the likes of Marjorie Taylor Greene and Josh Hawley, as they attempt to destroy our Constitution. 

We demoted McConnell to minority leader with your support. Now, we must create a super majority to stop him from continuing to embolden Trump and his treasonous followers again. Together, we can make that happen.  

Chip in today to help Democratic Majority Action build a stronger majority in 2022 so we can hold Trump, McConnell and the Republican Party accountable.

Thank you,
Democratic Majority Action HQ

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