Still waiting on the plastic ban
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[[link removed]] John,
We have worked hard to make plastic pollution a priority in Canada. You, along with thousands of our supporters, continued to call on our leaders
to take action on plastic waste. And your demands were heard. Last fall, the federal government committed to banning six single-use plastic
items and to list plastic as toxic under the Canadian Environmental Protection Act (CEPA) as a first step in fighting plastic pollution. Nearly six months later, there is little sign of progress. The plastic industry
is pushing back against federal regulation — a sure sign the government is on
the right track. The time to act is now, before a federal election interrupts
the government’s work.
[[link removed]] Every day of delay means adding at least 7,900 tonnes of plastic to landfills
and the natural environment. It’s time we put the health of our environment before the industry’s bottom
line. Canada needs to transition to a circular economy, where reduce, reuse, and
repair are prioritized, and problematic single-use plastics are banned. Tell the federal government we can’t afford further delays on plastic
[[link removed]] It’s time to act now.
[[link removed]] Thank you for your continued support,Karen Wirsig
Program Manager, Plastics
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Environmental Defence Canada
116 Spadina Avenue, Suite 300, Toronto, Ontario, M5V 2K6
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