Bennet for Colorado

Let’s be honest, folks — Washington is broken.

Decades of inaction, partisan gridlock, dark money, and greed have left us a broken system. Too many politicians ignore the needs of hard-working Americans and instead, choose to serve the wealthy special interests that bankroll their campaigns.

That’s why it’s so hard to make progress on issues like health care, the environment, women’s health, gun violence prevention, and more — because shady special interest groups funnel unlimited resources to candidates to advance their own agenda and obstruct progress.

That’s why I introduced the Spotlight Act to force dark money groups to disclose their donors. It’s a crucial step to repair our broken campaign finance system, restore our democracy and put people back in politics.

Will you sign your name alongside mine to co-sponsor the Spotlight Act? Americans have the right to know who is spending money in their elections.


Thanks for adding your name today. I proudly refuse donations from corporate PACs, and I believe if we reform our campaign finance system, we can finally make progress on the issues that matter and put power back into the hands of the people — not wealthy mega-donors with a hidden agenda.

— Michael