It’s critical that we elect representatives in Washington who take their oath just as seriously as we do.

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This Sunday at midnight, we officially close the books on February fundraising. This is a very important deadline and we need your help.

Make a $3 contribution to VoteVets before our end-of-month deadline hits in just two days. Only by electing the right leadership in Washington will we finally be able to get our country back on track.


Friends -

In just a moment, I am going to ask you to make a $3 contribution to VoteVets before their end-of-month fundraising drive ends this Sunday. But first, please give me a chance to explain why this request is so important.

Every member of Congress takes an oath to defend our Constitution and democracy from all threats, foreign and domestic. And yet 43 United States Senators chose to prioritize their blind loyalty to Traitor Trump when they voted to acquit him during the recent impeachment trial.

For those of us veterans who took this same oath, we believe the Constitution and the rule of law must be protected at all costs. We put our lives on the line for it. It’s critical that we elect representatives in Washington who take that oath just as seriously as we do.

The good news is, there is no one more up to the task than VoteVets. But we cannot do it alone, so please:

Make a $3 contribution to VoteVets before our February end-of-month deadline comes to a close this Sunday. Only by electing the right leadership in Washington will we finally be able to get our country back on track.

Thanks for supporting VoteVets ahead of this critical deadline. This organization is powered by the support of people like you. So thank you.

All my best,

Major General (ret.) Paul Eaton

VoteVets will put your contribution right to work to defeat Trump sycophants who betrayed their oath of office, elect progressive veterans across the country, and elevate the voices of veterans and military families in support of the Biden-Harris agenda.

Please contribute $3 before our deadline ends.