Dear John,
Last night, the Senate parliamentarian ruled that the $15 minimum wage increase cannot be a part of the Covid relief plan under budget reconciliation rules.
That’s right. An unelected, unheard of parliamentarian just ruled that 32 million Americans cannot get the raise they deserve.
This is just a taste of what we can expect if Democrats do not get rid of the filibuster. They cannot deliver on their promises to the American people with these archaic Senate rules in place.
Our latest video lays out why any hope of transformative change hinges on Senate Democrats eliminating the filibuster.

With the filibuster intact, Democrats will be unable to pass bills on raising the minimum wage, voting rights, the climate crisis, campaign finance reform, and other crucial legislation Americans need — and on which Joe Biden has based much of his presidency.
We did not work so hard to elect Democrats to the House, Senate, and presidency so that they could let an unelected parliamentarian dictate what they can and cannot do.
The stakes couldn’t be higher. Democrats must abolish the filibuster and get America moving. Now.
Thanks for watching,
Robert Reich
Inequality Media