February Update
What's ahead?
2021 will be MavPAC's best year yet! We're busy planning programming for both in-person and virtual events across the country. Last week's virtual event with Congressman McHenry was one of our most well-attended events in months. We would love to hear your ideas on potential speakers you have relationships with, especially business leaders and other interesting people. Please submit your recommendation by e-mailing [email protected]
Upcoming Event!

March 10th, 11 AM ET - Virtual Meeting with Miami Mayor Francis Suarez a forward-thinking Mayor who brings conservative values to one of the most successful cities in America! CLICK HERE to reserve your spot and stay tuned for more details!
MavTALK with Mayor Suarez
We want YOU to help grow the MavPAC network!
Prizes included!
Deadline extended to Sunday, February 28th, 2021.


Mavericks, now is your chance to invite your friends and fellow patriots you consider to be Mavericks to join the MavPAC network! 

From December 18th - February 28th, we are hosting a competition to see who can recruit more members!
  1. One (1) new member recruited: Both the referring member and the new member will each receive a MavPAC hat
  2. Five (5) new members recruited: Referring members will receive a long-sleeved MavPAC polo and new members will receive a hat
  3. The member who recruits the most new members (minimum of ten) will direct the first $2,500 federal GOP contribution in 2021 on behalf of MavPAC
Here who is leading the competition to date:
Brittany Corfman Parks - FL
Steve Megerle - OH
Brian Graham - FL
Join MavPAC Today
MavPAC Monthly Recap
Mavericks INC thanks Ranking Member Patrick McHenry and Maverick Jillian Rogers
GameStop, Fintech & the GOP
Please let us know other speakers you would like to hear from by emailing [email protected]
Professional Network
Don't miss out on your member benefits!

To keep active MavPAC members engaged with each other professionally, we have created a private group. CLICK HERE to request your access. 
If you haven’t already, follow us on Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook, to keep up with the MavPAC community.
Welcome, Mavericks
We would like to send a warm welcome to Mavericks who've recently joined or renewed their membership!
Chapter Leader Profile
Joe Pinion - NYC 
Joe Pinion
Joe Pinion is the Host of “Saturday Agenda w/ Joe Pinion” on Newsmax TV, the fastest-growing cable news Network in America! Joe is also the Founder and Chair of the Conservative Color Coalition, an organization dedicated to promoting conservative engagement among ethnic, religious, and minority groups. A Republican political strategist and conservative commentator with over a decade of national campaign experience, Joseph provides regular political analysis on Fox News, CBS News, NBC NOW, and NewsmaxTV.

When did you join MavPAC?
I attended my first MavPAC event in 2016 and have been an active member of the NYC chapter ever since!

What is your favorite MavPAC Memory?
MavCON 2018 in Austin. I enjoyed meeting so many passionate, committed young professionals from all around the country deep in the heart of Texas!

Where do you see the Party going?
The time for the “Passing of the Torch” has come! The next generation of Republicans must claim their place at the table to reconcile the Values of Conservatism with the challenges of a modern world, or the movement we love will wither in the Political Wilderness

What makes MavPAC unique?
The value Maverick PAC adds to our lives is undeniable.  It is quite literally the only organization with the breath of access and wealth of human resources to truly empower aspiring young conservatives in their personal, political, and business endeavors.  And the bonds that we are fortunate enough to develop with our fellow MavPAC members last a lifetime.
MavPAC Merch Available Now!
Buy Now
A CALL TO ACTION: MavPAC has made a name for itself by the sheer strength of our members (YOU). As a Maverick, we encourage you to invite your friends to come to our open events and join our organization. The more high-quality members that we are able to engage, recruit, and develop, the bigger the impact our unique organization is going to have in Congress and on this country.
MavPAC Memberships
We want to hear from you! What should be on our radar?
Email tips to
 [email protected]
Paid for by Maverick PAC USA and not authorized by any candidate or committee.
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