I figured new *even bigger* flags would be legal.
So, uh, it happened again this week. The PA GOP took down my LGBTQIA+ pride flag, legal weed flag, and transgender pride flag.
Naturally, I put new ones back up. 👇
Since the PA GOP passed a stupid law that says I can’t fly my old flags from the Pennsylvania State Capitol, I figured new *even bigger* ones would be legal. 😉
It’s all fun + games for the flag police, but this actually is serious stuff, John. LGBTQIA+ people unequivocally deserve equal protection under law. And our country should immediately legalize and decriminalize weed in the name of justice. I’m not afraid to fight like hell for what is right for our country, John. Never have, never will.
Will you chip in $5 to be a founding donor of our campaign? We need all the help we can get to reach our ambitious February fundraising goal before the end-of-month deadline on Sunday. Your donation could be the one that pushes our campaign over the top.
Chip in $5
It’s funny to me that some of the same people outraged by my flags have *zero* issues with members of their own party voting against the Equality Act in the House, or hanging anti-transgender signs outside their offices like Marjorie Taylor Greene did.
I don’t know about you, John, but I’m so over the inequality, injustice, and hacky partisan political maneuvering. The people deserve a leader who will fight for *everyone.* And with your help ahead of Sunday's deadline, I know we can build the kind of campaign it'll take to win.
So I’ll put it out there: If you believe Pennsylvania’s next U.S. Senator should fight unapologetically for LGBTQIA+ rights and legal weed, can you donate $5 now? This Sunday's deadline is your last chance to become a founding donor of our campaign.
Chip in $5
The campaign we build together is gonna be special and it’s gonna be big. All 67 counties, no one taken for granted. I’m *so* grateful for your support so far. 🙏
John Fetterman
Lieutenant Governor of Pennsylvania