Weekly Reads
"Strategic philanthropy should encourage a more inclusive approach to philanthropy that is grounded in SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, time-bound) metrics, measurable key performance indicators, and sound theories of change based in large part on the experiences of those inside of the community, not prescribed surface-level Band-Aids from those outside." [more]
– Jackie Bennett, Cayla Damick, Kyle Layne, Ben Murphy, Daniel Salas, Kirsten Swanson and Ali Webb, in Nonprofit Quarterly
"What would happen if project grants not only covered their fair share of indirect costs, but also provided modest surplus dollars? [This] could result in healthier nonprofits capable of delivering on their missions for the long term." [more]
– Rodney Christopher, BDO FMA, on Center for Effective Philanthropy
“Why do so many US philanthropists ignore rural areas, and what can be done to remedy the gap? [...] One of the reasons for the giving gap is that the largest US foundations are mostly based in urban areas. [...] One of the other reasons [...] is that they don’t have as many nonprofit organizations as urban areas do. As a result, there are fewer grant applications from rural areas, and those that are submitted are more likely to be rejected than those from urban areas.” [more]
– Eric Nee, Stanford Social Innovation Review
"[O]ur commitment to embracing DEI is incomplete if we do not recognize the interwoven nature of racism. To be sure, the history of AAPIs and our relationship to Black and brown communities has been a complex one. For one, the “model minority myth” has proven to be a convenient tool for both hiding the discrimination against many AAPIs and for serving as a cudgel to divide and alienate us from other communities of color, pitting us against one another." [more]
– Grave Nicolette, Center for Effective Philanthropy