DATE: February 26, 2021
CONTACT: Jason Savage ([email protected])

Maine Secretary of State Bellows Blasted by Congress
Congress questions her wasting taxpayer dollars for political purposes

AUGUSTA, ME-- Maine Republican Party Chair, Dr. Demi Kouzounas, released the following statement regarding Maine Secretary of State Shenna Bellows testifying in front of Congress on behalf of HR. 1:

"For quite some time, Maine Democrats have been abusing the Maine Clean Election system that provides taxpayer money to candidates running for public office," said Chair Dr. Demi Kouzounas. "The most recent problematic use can be seen by Secretary of State Shenna Bellows, who took over $70,000 in taxpayer money to fund her campaign, knowing full well that she planned to run for Secretary of State soon after being elected."

"In yesterday's uncomfortable exchange between Bellows and Rep. Bryan Steil, the Congressman highlighted a number of concerns with Bellows testifying on the highly partisan HR. 1, a dangerous bill that would reverse the decentralization of the American election process—an essential protection of our liberty and freedom. Rep. Steil highlighted that Bellows has never administered an election at any level, and brings into question her use of Maine Clean Election money to fund her campaign, only to use that political capital to be promoted to Secretary of State."
"The fact that Shenna Bellows, the former 'most progressive Senate nominee in the country,' supports such a radical bill should come as no surprise. What should come as a surprise is that Bellows, who has never administered an election in her life, would testify in front of Congress to regurgitate Democrat talking points for a dangerous bill that would federalize and micromanage the election process, putting Maine's elections at risk. That isn't leadership, it is toeing the party line."