Hi there,
Merrick Garland, Biden's nominee for Attorney General, promised that one of his top priorities in office would be investigating domestic terrorism and the extremists who stormed the Capitol, calling the January 6 event “the most heinous attack on the democratic processes that I've ever seen.”
We're glad that Garland is committed to rooting out white supremacy and domestic extremism. Trump's impeachment trial wasn't the only opportunity for justice from the Capitol riots -- and we're glad that Democrats like Garland in our new government are dedicated to defending democracy.
But Republicans have stood in Garland's way before -- remember when Mitch McConnell refused to confirm him as a Supreme Court justice? And the GOP showed during the impeachment trial that they're more afraid of alienating Trump's base than they are of the rising white supremacist and anti-democratic threat.
That's why we need to show that Garland has full Democratic support as he enters the role of attorney general. Please, add your voice to ours now:
Do you support Merrick Garland?
We appreciate your input,
When Democrats Turn Out

Paid for by When Democrats Turn Out PAC

PO Box 15320
Washington, DC 20003
