
The events of the 2020 election have shown us that we must remain vigilant in the fight to protect the right to vote and our democracy. Big money in politics continues to be a serious threat, with spending in this election cycle reaching $14.4 billion, more than doubling the record set in 2016.  Voter suppression and voter intimidation efforts were rampant. Then, on January 6th, a mob of armed insurrectionists stormed the Capitol incited by former President Trump, seeking to overturn the presidential election.

Now more than ever, it is up to us to pursue a democracy by and for the people. Free Speech For People is committed to ending the dominance of big money in politics, protecting the right to vote, and holding corrupt officials like former President Trump accountable for abuses of power.

For years, our work has been made possible by you, our supporters. Can we count on you to help us strengthen our democracy in 2021 and beyond?

Free Speech For People is fighting to ensure that every American has an equal voice and an equal vote in our democracy, and that corrupt actors are held accountable. In February alone:

  • We issued a letter to Judge Merrick Garland, President Biden’s nominee for Attorney General, urging him to establish an independent task force within the Department of Justice to investigate any potential federal criminal or civil violations that may have been committed by President Trump, members of his administration, or his campaign, business, or other associates.

  • We won, on behalf of The Minnesota chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations and the League of Women Voters of Minnesota, a landmark settlement in our case against private security contractor Atlas Aegis for illegal voter intimidation.

  • We helped to draft two new bills introduced in the Massachusetts legislature to abolish super PACs and to prohibit spending by foreign-influenced corporations in state elections, based on our successful ordinances in Seattle, Washington and St. Petersburg, Florida.

The end of the Trump administration does not mean the end of our fight. There is still so much work to do to restore our democracy for we, the people.

Chip in today to help us ensure a democracy that works for everyone.

Thanks for all you do,

John Bonifaz

President, Free Speech For People

Paid for and authorized by Free Speech For People
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