Hi Jack,
Thank you for opening this email—I promise I’ll keep this short and sweet.
As Executive Director of Off the Sidelines, it’s my job to manage our budget and make sure we have what it takes to support our amazing roster of progressive candidates.
But we’ve seen a 42% decline in donations from Democrats like you over the past month. If we don’t close the gap, we’ll have to scale back our support for battleground Democrats when it matters most.
It’s an attainable goal: We need to raise just $15,000 more before midnight Sunday to stay on budget. Please, if you’re able, make a donation to Off the Sidelines today. Anything you give—$5, $25, or $100—is an investment in progressive leadership in Washington.
Truly, thank you for your support at this critical moment. We simply could not do this work without you.
In friendship,
Stefanie Conahan
Executive Director, Off the Sidelines