
Progressives have been fighting nonstop to include raising the minimum wage to $15/hr in their big Covid relief bill.

But late last night a little-known Senate officer just ruled against that increase! Elizabeth MacDonough, the Senate Parliamentarian, ruled that including a minimum wage increase in the bill is against Senate rules.

But John, the Parliamentarian is an UNELECTED position. The Democrats took back control of the Senate in historic elections in Georgia after promising to raise the wage. We need to know what you think, should Democrats FIRE the Parliamentarian for ruling against the minimum wage increase?

Because of Senate rules, the Democrats can pass their big Covid relief bill with just 51 votes. Using something called ‘budget reconciliation,’ changes to the budget that have a significant impact can be passed with just a simple majority, not a super-majority that could get blocked by the filibuster.

The Parliamentarian is now claiming that raising the minimum wage doesn’t meet this requirement. Yet she DID allow Republicans to pass drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge using the same process in 2017!

In 2001, Republicans were in the exact same situation. They FIRED the Parliamentarian when he refused to allow tax cuts for the rich to be included in their bill.

What do you think? Should Senate Democrats fire the Parliamentarian and raise the minimum wage to $15/hr for hardworking Americans?

Thank you for your input,

-HAZMAT America



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