Here’s what the numbers are saying, John. //


Our end-of-quarter deadline is tomorrow at midnight and I’m looking at our numbers – here’s what I’m seeing:

In the last month, we’ve had more first-time donations than ever before – and that tells me our message is resonating with people and motivating them to be a part of the amazing work we’re doing!

First-time donors are important and a good sign that we’re engaging new supporters – but we need a big extra push from all our supporters if we’re going to meet tomorrow’s end-of-quarter deadline.

This timing is crucial because I have to close the books on our third quarter tomorrow – and this $85,000 goal is our chance to fund a well-oiled get-out-the-vote machine as our end game strategy. We have to be ready – and we need you to chip in $3 right now to help us get there.

Chip in!

Fundraising numbers are only a part of the bigger picture, John – but it’s a pretty critical part. This end-of-quarter deadline will determine what our teams are able to accomplish for the next 22 days – and what we can do together on election day.

Can you chip in $3 right now?




Sussanne Skidmore
Canada’s NDP


New Democratic Party of Canada

300-279 Laurier West, Ottawa, ON, K1P5J9 | 1-866-525-2555
