Help Stop the Biden Amnesty! Thirty-six major donors have pledged to MATCH your NumbersUSA Action gifts dollar for dollar up to $157,650 Please work together to MATCH their giving so we can stop this amnesty!!
Dear John xxxxxx, I need you and all our NumbersUSA donors to step up to stop the Biden Amnesty bill. The bill, called the "U.S. Citizenship Act," was introduced last one week ago. Biden's bill gives a BLANKET AMNESTY with a path to citizenship to almost every one of the illegal aliens now living in the U.S., however many millions there are(official estimates are at least 11 million). What is a blanket amnesty? First, it grants lifetime work permits and Social Security numbers to nearly ALL the illegal aliens who care to apply for them. The only exceptions are for persons convicted of a felony or three or more misdemeanors. In most cases, a first-time DUI offense is just a misdemeanor! Domestic violence first offense? -- frequently just a misdemeanor. Millions will receive citizenship in only three years!!! Second, the amnesty puts the illegal aliens on a path to citizenship, voting, office-holding, welfare, and more! The usual long wait to gain citizenship is sped up in this bill! That's not all this bill does. Though our analysts are now going through the bill's text, initial word is that it also:
The current price for breaking the law is that you have to go home. This bill will reverse that. Illegal aliens will be forgiven the penalties for their crime and then be rewarded like jackpot winners at a casino: No penalties and a TON of lifetime benefits. Obviously, this Biden bill would be a disaster for our nation. Think of the HUGE NEW WAVES OF ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION that will happen if this mass amnesty were to pass. We would have another 11+ million illegal aliens here within a few short years. Why not? We're putting out a HUGE "come and bring your whole family" billboard up everywhere. What's NOT in the bill? John, you're probably wondering what our chances are of defeating this bill. If NumbersUSA is able to apply enough pressure RIGHT NOW to members of Congress, I feel confident that we'll defeat this bill -- just like we've defeated every other amnesty in this century. But of course, if we fail -- EVEN JUST THIS ONCE -- to push back hard, we will certainly lose! You've been faithful to help us in past desperate struggles. Will you help again?
NumbersUSA Action Match Campaign Over the past few days, I've reached out to the people who have given the most to NumbersUSA over the years. Together, 36 generous donors pledged to donate over $150,000, if other members matched their gift. That is the largest match offer NumbersUSA has ever received. Whatever you can afford to give, they'll match... up to $157,650. For example, if you give $100, these donors match it dollar for dollar, so we end up with $200 to STOP BIDEN'S AMNESTY! I need you, John. I really need your help this time if we are to succeed once again. This is our most pressing crisis ever. If you've never given before, would you consider giving now? Your help means the world to me. Thank you for considering. You can donate four ways: 1) Give via our web page, using your credit card or Paypal. 2) Check -- see the instructions and a form to print out and send with your check. 3) Call (703) 816-8820 to arrange a wire transfer, stock donation, or to make a credit card donation over the phone. If our office is closed, please leave the time and your phone number and we will call back. Keep the faith and don't ever give up! Jim Robb P. S. Want to send me your feedback? I'm glad to hear from you at [email protected].