Have you seen the 2021 Dirty Dozen List?

In the Dirty Dozen List Reveal event this past week, we named 12 mainstream contributors to sexual exploitation. Now, all of the research and proof we've gathered is available for you to view and share here!

Our team of researchers spent hours on this project, and found thousands of instances of sexual abuse, harassment, and exploitation facilitated by these corporations and entities. We share these findings in hopes that you will join with us to spur them to change!

Companies have told us that each email complaint they receive from a customer represents around 1000 customers who also experience or have the same issue. The power of ONE email is massive, and creates a ripple effect.

Help us hold these 'Dirty Dozen' accountable!

Amazon's Twitch Rife with Sexual Harrassment, Predatory Grooming, Child Sexual Abuse

Twitch, an online platform used for livestreaming, is Amazon’s attempt to capitalize on the booming popularity of the video game community. Twitch has seen a surge in popularity since the onset of the global pandemic turned much of the world to digital spaces for interaction and entertainment.

Despite Twitch’s strict policies on paper prohibiting nudity, exploitation, and other sexual content, as well as other harmful behavior such as harassment or violence, Twitch has a serious problem with moderating and enforcing those policies in practice for the millions of viewers and streamers on their platform.

Wish Shopping Still Works With MindGeek and Pornhub

Wish, a top ten retail shopping website and app used by over 500 million people, is one of the few mainstream corporations still working with the world’s biggest sexual abusers—MindGeek and Pornhub—even though child sexual abuse material, depictions of actual rape and sex trafficking, and non-consensually recorded and/or shared intimate videos abound on the website.

Not only that, but Wish’s profits rest on the marketing of child-like sex dolls, spycams advertised as useful for filming women nude without permission, and misogynistic apparel. 

Call on them to stop prioritizing profits over people!

2021 DDL Reveal Video on IGTV

Do you follow us on Instagram? 

We've posted a DDL Reveal video there as well! Please like and share the video so we can spread this message far and wide.

Get to know the person behind the DDL on IGTV

Listen to Lina Nealon, orchestrator of the 2021 DDL, talk with Kindsey Pentecost, NCOSE Board Member, about how the DDL creates real and lasting change with simple actions!

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