February 26, 2021
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February 25, 2021
Dinesh D'Souza's most important film yet
DINESH D'SOUZA ? Dinesh D'Souza's new documentary, Trump Card, leads the charge against the new face of Socialism! The Left is fighting harder than ever to destroy the Land of the Free. "Beating Socialism, corruption, and the Deep State": this film is a must-watch for every freedom-loving American. See trailer.... (more)

February 25, 2021
RENEWAMERICA STAFF ? RenewAmerica has partnered with multi-national pro-life organization Real Estate for Life to help sustain the work of RenewAmerica. Real Estate for Life is a faith-based real estate network that funds "gospel of life groups worldwide."... (more)

February 25, 2021
CLIFF KINCAID ? Rather than less McCarthyism, we need more. The Communists are taking over and most Republicans are pretending it's not happening. Let's hope that former President Trump, speaking at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) this weekend, outlines how he will take back the presidency from the Deep State.... (more)

February 25, 2021
EPOCH TIMES ? Stephen Miller, former senior adviser to former President Donald Trump, told Fox News on Sunday that a new immigration bill proposed by Democrats would "fundamentally erase the very essence of America's nationhood."... (more)

February 25, 2021
PJ MEDIA ? A border facility in Carrizo Springs, Texas, re-opened this week dedicated exclusively to holding children unaccompanied by their parents to await processing. The facility had to be reopened, after being shuttered during the Trump administration, in order to comply with new pandemic regulations, says the Biden administration.... (more)

February 25, 2021
...despite blaming Trump for Jan. 6 uprising
PJ MEDIA ? On Thursday evening, Senate Minority Mitch McConnell said he would "absolutely" support Donald Trump for president in 2024 if Trump is the Republican nominee in 2024. He made the rather surprising statement on Fox News with Brett Baier on Special Report.... (more)

February 25, 2021
If passed by Senate, would be 'greatest assault on religious freedom, biological reality, and parental rights ever seen in the U.S.'
LIFE SITE NEWS ? The U.S. House of Representatives voted 224 to 206 today to pass the "Equality Act," which would write transgenderism into federal civil rights law, compel medical professionals to commit abortions and transgender surgeries, and expand taxpayer-funded abortion on demand.... (more)

February 24, 2021
Biden's transgender HHS nominee refuses to answer senator at hearing [MUST WATCH]
ART MOORE ? At a confirmation hearing Thursday, Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., confronted President Biden's nominee for assistant secretary of Health and Human Services on the government's support for "sex-change" treatment and surgery.... (more)

February 24, 2021

February 24, 2021
Democrat talking points without basis in fact or objectivity [MUST SEE]
NEWSMAX ? Republican leaders in the House and Senate say a proposed plan for an independent commission to study the Capitol insurrection is overly tilted toward Democrats, arguing that the panel should have an even party split like the one formed to study the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks.... (more)

February 24, 2021
OAN ? Joe Biden reportedly held a meeting in China with the chairman of the Chinese Communist Party's propaganda department. One America's Jack Posobiec has more on what this might mean for the future of Biden's administration.... (more)

February 24, 2021
FRANK GAFFNEY ? Joe Biden will tell fellow globalists today that "America is back." His Munich security conference audience will interpret, and welcome, that as code for repudiating the policies Donald Trump called "America First." Instead, we'll be "back" to the approach Barack Obama called "leading from behind."... (more)

February 22, 2021
NEWSMAX ? House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy on Wednesday condemned fellow California Reps. Anna Eshoo and Jerry McNerney and the lower chamber's hearing by the Energy and Commerce Committee for what he called the power to "coerce and control the information Americans can watch and access in their own homes."... (more)

February 22, 2021
ART MOORE ? A federal judge in Texas on Wednesday extended his order halting President Biden's 100-day pause on the deportation of illegal immigrants. After issuing a two-week restraining order on Jan. 26, U.S. District Judge Drew Tipton indefinitely banned enforcement of Biden's Inauguration Day memorandum.... (more)

February 22, 2021
...according to former Trump senior adviser Stephen Miller
EPOCH TIMES ? Former President Donald Trump in his first public appearance since leaving the White House will lay out an optimistic vision for America and focus on standing up to China, reviving U.S. manufacturing, dismantling the monopoly of Big Tech, reopening schools, and securing the border, among other topics, according to former Trump senior adviser Stephen Miller.... (more)

February 20, 2021
Hence latest inexplicable decisions
NEWSMAX ? Former presidential adviser Dick Morris told Newsmax TV on Monday the Supreme Court has been so intimidated by Democrats' threats of adding justices, it is ruling to preserve its own prestige. Morris' comments came after the Supreme Court chose not to hear several cases involving the administration of election rules, particularly a case out of Pennsylvania in which state legislators said their authority expressly granted in the U.S. Constitution was usurped by state executive branch officials.... (more)

February 20, 2021

February 20, 2021
NEWSMAX ? Donald Trump will be making his first post-presidential appearance at a conservative gathering in Florida next weekend. Ian Walters, spokesman for the American Conservative Union, confirmed that Trump will be speaking at the group's annual Conservative Political Action Conference on Feb. 28.... (more)

February 20, 2021
Eric Holder's Operation Choke Point targeted industries the left hates
WORLDNETDAILY ? The Biden administration is resurrecting an effort the Obama-Biden administration dubbed Operation Choke Point, which used the banking industry to target businesses opposed by the political left, such as gun sellers and pawnshops, simply refusing them service.... (more)

February 20, 2021
Charged that America was 'trying to create a new cold war'
WORLDNETDAILY ? The chairman of a blue-ribbon commission working with the United Nations and the World Health Organization to investigate the origins of the coronavirus pandemic has a history of praising and working with China while criticizing the U.S. government.... (more)

February 20, 2021
Joseph Farah on recent piece of 'journalism': 'I've never seen anything like it'
JOSEPH FARAH ? If you read between the lines of the post-mortems of the 2020 election, you can almost sense some are so jubilant, they come very close to admitting to fraud, celebrating it ... consecrating it. I've never seen anything like the Feb. 4 issue of Time magazine's cover story, titled, "The Secret History of the Shadow Campaign That Saved the 2020 Election," authored by Molly Ball.... (more)

February 20, 2021
Startling 27% of Democrats agree: he?ll sign anything far left puts in front of him
BOB UNRUH ? For much of the 2020 presidential election campaign, many critics of Joe Biden charged he was catering to the extremists in the Democratic Party. They warned that in his effort to attract votes he would advocate policies that were not in alignment with mainstream America.... (more)

February 20, 2021
WESTERN JOURNAL ? The Arizona state Senate just passed a bill that would allow the state legislature to subpoena critical elections records, paving the way for a closer look into some of the most contested data amid the messy fallout of the 2020 election. Senate Bill 1408 passed 16-14 cleanly along party lines with Republicans forming the affirming vote, according to the Arizona Mirror.... (more)

February 19, 2021
No one has been charged with possessing or using a gun inside the Capitol; no one has even been identified as carrying a gun inside the building
AMERICAN GREATNESS ? Since the Justice Department launched its nationwide manhunt to track down and arrest anyone involved with the Capitol breach on January 6, hundreds of perpetrators have been arrested.... (more)

February 19, 2021
Videos show law enforcement accommodating protesters
ART MOORE ? Videos of police officers allowing or even encouraging people to enter the Capitol grounds during the Jan. 6 incident have been perplexing to many, and now 35 Capitol Police officers are under investigation for their actions on that day.... (more)

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