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French President Emmanuel Macron is under sustained attack for allegedly courting far-right votes with his government's policies and pronouncements on
radical Islam. But Macron's approach is far more balanced than many critics claim.
A Malaysian man has won a landmark court challenge against an Islamic ban on sex "against the order of nature", raising hopes for greater acceptance of gay
rights in a country where Islamic laws have been used to target country's gay community.
A heavy metal singer who is appealing against a conviction over a photo of him stepping on an image of the virgin Mary has launched a legal defence fund.
Since 2001 local governments in Indonesia have passed at least 60 bylaws ruling that women should cover their heads. And many non-Muslim schoolgirls resent
being forced to wear a hijab.
This Zoom briefing explores how evangelical theology around sex and the purity culture enables sex abusers to be active and escape censure in a church.
Alastair Lichten says a review of education provision in Northern Ireland must be willing to challenge entrenched religious interests to deliver on ambitions
for a more efficient and inclusive system.
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