Senator Pauline Hanson described the successful passage of her motion to refer matters leading to the standing down of Australia Post CEO, Ms Christine Holgate, to a Senate Committee for inquiry as “a giant step toward achieving some justice for Christine Holgate as well as the 80,000 staff and contractors of Australia Post”.

 “You don’t get to falsely and savagely trash the career of one of the nation’s most successful business leaders for no reason and then get away with it.

“Christine Holgate should never have been made a political pawn – she’s an outstanding human being who’s achieved remarkable results at Australia Post for its stakeholders, 80,000 employees, around 2,900 Licensed Post Offices and who has the support of the unions.

“Her skills, determination and dedication have driven Australia Post to become the envy of its international counterparts.

“Having One Nation’s motion pass today means the Senate can now make a genuine effort to get to the bottom of this whole appalling saga.

“Senator Roberts and I will continue our efforts to ensure Christine Holgate is given the voice she deserves
“Subject to the inquiry’s finding and recommendations, Ms Holgate’s resumption of her duties as CEO is certainly one outcome we can hope for, along with an apology from the Prime Minster and a recanting of his savage comments. ”

For more information about why this inquiry needs to go ahead watch Senator Hanson’s interview with Andrew Bolt on her Facebook page



Southwest MLC and One Nation WA leader Colin Tincknell says conservative voters have been abandoned by The National Party.

Mr Tincknell said The Nationals’ decision to preference the Labor Party over One Nation in the Agriculture, Mining and Pastoral and South West Regions coming election had confirmed its status as a lap dog to the Labor State Government.

“This preference deal is just one more example of the erosion of the conservative values of The Nationals,” Mr Tincknell said.

“The Nationals have, over the past four years, consistently voted in Parliament against the best interests of regional people and farmers and has now done a preference deal that could give Labor control of both houses of Parliament,” Mr Tincknell said.

“Not one National party politician rose from their seat to defend the farmers from the potentially dire unintended consequences of the industrial manslaughter legislation and when the Liberal Opposition tried to amend the bill to protect farmers, the Nationals voted with the Labor Government.

“People living in fire-prone areas of the Southwest don’t have a dedicated country fire service because a member of The Nationals crossed the floor to vote with the Labor Government.”

Mr Tincknell said The Nationals started their “lurch to the left” under the leadership of Brendan Grylls – who openly courted forming a coalition Government with the Labor Party in 2008 – and it was now complete with Mia Davies doing a preference deal with Labor.

“It’s not difficult to see why a disgruntled Labor politician like Vince Catania would find himself a new home with The Nationals,” Mr Tincknell said.

“The socialist-aligned Nationals of 2021 are a far cry from the Party which was formed in 1913 and was well served by former leaders including, Ray McPharlin, Dick Old, Hendy Cowan and Max Trenorden.
“I would say to all those voters who previously supported The Nationals; One Nation is filling the void left by the Nationals.

“Don’t just follow the rhetoric, follow the only party that has consistently voted in Parliament to support the regions.”


Thank you to everyone who supported One Nation's state and federal petitions to have ANZAC Day properly honoured.
It looks like your support for our campaign has forced Premier Palaszczuk to dump plans for a scaled-back event held for a limited number of people at the Brisbane showgrounds.
Stephen Andrew, One Nation's MP for Mirani in Queensland, did great work pushing this in the state parliament. So did Senator Roberts, whose notice of motion supporting ANZAC Day marches was passed in the Senate, helping to heap on the pressure.
While this is good news for Queenslanders the same can't be said for other states.
So if you want to see ANZAC Day properly honoured and safely celebrated around Australia then you might want to add your name to One Nation's federal petition to bring back ANZAC Day marches. 

That is this weeks recap from One Nation. 

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