Maura spent most of the 2020 election cycle blocking Republicans’ attempts to restrict voting access. Now, they’re even more emboldened to continue their attacks on our democracy. So far in the 2021 legislative session, there have already been at least 165 bills introduced in 33 states that would restrict voting access. That’s four times the number of similar bills introduced last year – and it’s only February!
We need to act now to undo centuries of voter suppression in this country, and protect and expand voting rights for all. That’s why Maura is standing with a coalition of attorneys general in support of the For the People Act of 2021 (H.R. 1/S. 1). This bill would improve and modernize voting access, including establishing automatic voter registration and expanding early and mail-in voting, protect against foreign interference, and close dark money loopholes.
Republicans tried to break our democracy in 2020, and they sure came close to succeeding. But they didn’t. Instead, we saw historic turnout, we sent Donald Trump packing, and we flipped the Senate. When we break down racist barriers to voting and give voters more options and more flexibility, they turn out – and our country is stronger for it.
Thank you,
Team Healey

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