There’s been talk for years of a teacher shortage. This problem could become acute in the aftermath of the pandemic.

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Monthly Education Update
February 25, 2021
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A Fix to Teacher Shortages: The K-12 Adjunct Teacher

There’s been talk for years of a teacher shortage. This problem could become acute in the aftermath of the pandemic. Can school budgets absorb declining enrollment even while payroll costs creep up? What will happen to technical subjects and special education with fewer certified teachers?

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K-12 Redesign: A Financial Overhaul

The United States is a world leader in K-12 education spending yet lags behind 25 other developed nations in K-12 student achievement. An education redesign, starting with a financial overhaul, is necessary if the U.S. will have a shot at remaining competitive with China, and others, in the global economy in the future. Ultimately, we need free market principles of choice and competition as drivers to improve U.S. K-12 education.

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It's Time to Rethink School

As we enter spring, we approach almost one full year since most of our country’s schools shut their doors. Teachers, parents, and students were forced to adjust to an entirely new way of learning. In some cases, it worked reasonably well. But unfortunately, even the most successful experiences were still not as engaging nor effective as in-class instruction. Student social and emotional development also suffered.

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$130 Billion & First 100 Days

President Biden promised to reopen K-12 public schools within his first 100 days in office. His current proposal entails $130 billion of funding toward this end. Will the teacher unions determine this massive funding sufficient and get their teachers back on campus and in classrooms?

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Perfect Time for a K-12 Redesign

K-12 public education, already in crisis pre-COVID-19, is on a steep downward trajectory — with the severe lack of instruction time, staggering learning loss, alarming dropout numbers, and serious student disengagement. With half of the schools closed nationwide, just six weeks shy of a full year of no in-person instruction, it’s the perfect time for a K-12 redesign.

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