
I’m sending along a final update today on our path to $1.7 million by September 30th.

My team told me we’re only $9,275.42 away. We’re so close and I could use your help getting us over the finish line.

I was on CNN with Jake Tapper this morning and as we talked about our progress to goal, he asked me, "might this be the second-to-last day of your campaign?"

That question has been lingering with me all day -- and to be honest, I don’t know the answer. As I said when we announced this goal, I don’t want to stay in this race unless we have the resources to win -- and this still holds true.

As encouraged as I am by the groundswell of support we’ve seen over the past nine days, I don’t want to take anything for granted. Things may be looking good right now -- but we need to keep stepping up during these final 24 hours to make it absolutely certain that we hit this end-of-quarter goal.

Whether we have a viable path forward depends on how the members of this community step up at this very moment. Before you close out of your email tonight, can I count on you to help push us over the top?

Here’s a link to donate:

Hoping I’ll be able to write to you with good news tomorrow.


Paid for by Cory 2020

P.O. Box 32009 Newark, NJ 07102 | All content © 2019 Cory 2020, All Rights Reserved.

Contributions or gifts to Cory 2020 are not tax deductible.

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