Dear John,
This afternoon, the House of Representatives passed the Equality Act in a 224-206 bipartisan vote!
As you know, the Equality Act will close significant gaps in our civil rights laws by making it illegal to discriminate on the basis of sex, sexual orientation, and gender identity.
Now, we need the Senate to pass the Equality Act. Contact your Senator today!
Right now, 29 states do not have laws that explicitly protect LGBTQ people from discrimination. Without the Equality Act, LGBTQ Americans remain vulnerable to being evicted from their homes, kicked out of a business that’s open to the public, denied health care, or denied government services simply because of who they are.
We must pass the Equality Act so in every community LGBTQ Americans call home, we are fully protected under the law.
Urge your Senator to pass the Equality Act!

Fran Hutchins
Executive Director
Equality Federation